Fillable Printable Romantic Messages Sample
Fillable Printable Romantic Messages Sample

Romantic Messages Sample
Ronald E. Smith
4944 Sundown Lane
Austin, TX 78701
February 14, 2011
Beatrice L. Smith
Lovely Wife of 25 years
Darling B,
Re: Romance in the air
February 14
is such an eventful day for us!
1) It is YOUR birthday!
2) We met on this day 27 years ago! Love Café in Paris? I am so glad
you went for an afternoon tea with your girlfriends and I had the pleasure of
‘bumping’ into you.
3) I proposed to you on Valentine’s Day 26years ago; you said ‘YES!’
That was the happiest moment of my life! I couldn’t believe my ears to hear
you say ‘Yes!’ I am so lucky.
4) We got married on February 14
25 years ago; thank God your pastor
was not free any other day that month but on Valentine’s Day.
5) Graham and Grace, our twins, were born on February 14
Truly, B, I feel so blessed! Not just because of the special date, February
, but because I have you in my life. You are the best thing that ever
happened to me.
My life has been complete and fulfilling since you came in with your
sunshine and love. If these first 25 years together are a reflection of what is
forthcoming, I am ready and looking forward to the next 50! I want nothing
less than to share my life with you. With the children big and away from
home now, how about going on that exciting round-the-world discovery trip
which we started planning after we got married? The kids came and we
had to put that trip on hold, remember?
Yes, darling B, let’s us reeve up our romance once again since it’s only the
two of us now. How I look forward to that trip!
Happy Birthday! Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Anniversary!
With all my love, B!