
Fillable Printable Project Budget Template

Fillable Printable Project Budget Template

Project Budget Template

Project Budget Template

Project Budget Template
Salaries Description Quantity
Cost Total
Staff/Faculty title % of Time on Project
Benefits 23% total staff/faculty salaries
0.23 $0
Consultants Consultant fee (hourly or flat)
Guest speakers Honoraria rate
Sub - total Salaries
Travel Description Quantity
Cost Total
Lodging cost per person/per room
Airfare/Train cost per person/per fare
Gas .485 per mile
0.485 $0
Per Diem meal stipend
Other (i.e. taxi, subway, light rail fare)
Sub-total Travel
Supplies Description Quantity
Cost Total
Sub-total Supplies
Events Description Quantity
Cost Total
Catering event & # attendees
Flowers centerpieces, plants, etc
Gifts give aways - cards, pens
Awards citations, trophies
Sub-total Events
Marketing/Communications Description Quantity
Cost Total
Graphic Design/printing posters, flyers, program
Advertisements print or television advertisements
Mailing expenses envelopes, postage
Sub-total Marketing/Communications
Other MICA Depts/Services Description Quantity
Cost Total
Exhibitions services needed
Campus Tech services needed
FacMAN services needed
Security # security guards needed
Sub-total Other MICA Departs/Services
Training Description Quantity
Cost Total
Work Study # work study students and tasks
Other space rental fee
Sub-total Training
MICA Indirect Costs Quantity
Cost Total
Indirect 15% of total expenses
0.15 $0
Sub-total Indirect
Total Expenses
Program Income Description Quantity
Cost Total
Department Budget Department Name $0
Sales ticket income $0
In-kind contributions goods/services donated $0
Grants/Sponsorships/RFP's donor/prospect name $0
Other revenue from partnership $0
Total Income $0
Please use this template to create your Project Budget. (If you have a fully developed project budget in different
format, feel free to attach instead.) Please attach this to your completed Project Approval Form for circulation and
Net Income Income-Expenses Err:520
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