Fillable Printable Personal Budget Form - Kensington
Fillable Printable Personal Budget Form - Kensington

Personal Budget Form - Kensington

Kensington and Kensington Mortgages are trading names of Kensington Mortgage Company Limited (registered in England No. 3049877), which has its registered office address at: Reading International
Business Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 6DB. Kensington Mortgage Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No. 310336).
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Budget Form
The following details must be completed in all cases:
Mortgage account number
Other Kensington account
numbers (more details can
be given on the last page)
Mortgage property
Correspondence address
Ages of any dependants
living in the household
Contact numbers Customer 1 Customer 2
Step 1: Income
Complete either weekly or monthly as applicable.
Weekly Monthly
Wages/Salary: Customer 1
Wages/Salary: Customer 1
Job seekers allowance
Income support / Pension credit
Tax credit
Retirement works tax credit
Child benefit
Disability allowance

Kensington and Kensington Mortgages are trading names of Kensington Mortgage Company Limited (registered in England No. 3049877), which has its registered office address at: Reading International
Business Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 6DB. Kensington Mortgage Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No. 310336).
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Non dependent contributions
Total £ £
Weekly + Monthly income £ (Figure A)
Savings and Investments
Type Weekly Monthly
ASU Policy
Provider Term Remaining term of current claim Payment
Please note: where customers are in receipt of Disability Allowance the customer has the right for this amount to be excluded from their
income. If they declare this amount and wish for it to be included in their income this amount can be used to assess their
full income and expenditure.
Step 2: Outgoings
Priority payments Weekly Monthly
Mortgage endowment policy
Second mortgage
Council tax
Water rates
Ground rent / service charges
Buildings and contents insurance
Life insurance / pension

Kensington and Kensington Mortgages are trading names of Kensington Mortgage Company Limited (registered in England No. 3049877), which has its registered office address at: Reading International
Business Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 6DB. Kensington Mortgage Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No. 310336).
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Other fuel
Prescription / health costs
Child minding
Food / housekeeping
Maintenance payments
Magistrates court / court fines
Total £ £
Weekly + Monthly total £ (Figure B)
Other payments Weekly Monthly
Hire purchase vehicle
Travel / car expenses
School meals / meals at work
Telephone / mobile
TV rental / license
Total £ £
Weekly + Monthly total £ (Figure C)
Total Outgoings (Figure B + Figure C) £ (Figure D)
Step 3: Affordability
Total income (Figure A) £
Total outgoings (Figure D) £
Affordability (Figure A - Figure D) £

Kensington and Kensington Mortgages are trading names of Kensington Mortgage Company Limited (registered in England No. 3049877), which has its registered office address at: Reading International
Business Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 6DB. Kensington Mortgage Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No. 310336).
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Step 4: Arrears
Mortgage arrears Balance owed Offer of repayment
Mortgage arrears
Rent arrears
Council tax / community charge
Fuel debts
Magistrates courts / fines
Buildings and contents insurance
Life assurance / pension / endowment
Prescription / health costs
Child minding
Total £ (Figure E)
Step 5: Affordability
Affordability (Figure A - Figure D) £
Proposed arrears payments (Figure E) £
Money left to repay credit arrears (Figure A - Figure D, less Figure E) £
Step 6: Other Arrears
Creditor details Balances owed
Total owed £

Kensington and Kensington Mortgages are trading names of Kensington Mortgage Company Limited (registered in England No. 3049877), which has its registered office address at: Reading International
Business Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 6DB. Kensington Mortgage Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No. 310336).
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Additional Occupants details
Name Address Salary Contact details
I confirm that this is an accurate record of my/our financial position:
Total monthly payment offered to Kensington £
By signing this form I authorise Kensington to contact the proprietors of any other charges registered against my security address
to obtain financial information about me.
Signature Customer 1 Date
Signature Customer 2 Date
Signature Customer 3 Date
Signature Customer 4 Date
Please provide us with details of any other Kensington Mortgages or loans you have.
Account number Balance of mortgage Arrears (if any) Tenanted (Y/N) Rental income Other expenses

Kensington and Kensington Mortgages are trading names of Kensington Mortgage Company Limited (registered in England No. 3049877), which has its registered office address at: Reading International
Business Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 6DB. Kensington Mortgage Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No. 310336).
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Please provide us with details of any other secured loan or mortgage you have.
Lender and
account number
Balance of mortgage Arrears (if any) Tenanted (Y/N) Rental income Other expenses
Please return this form in the envelope provided or send it to:
Gateway House
Gargrave Road
North Yorkshire
BD23 2HL
If you would like any help completing this form please call us on 0345 199 2222