Fillable Printable Sample Grant-Proposal
Fillable Printable Sample Grant-Proposal

Sample Grant-Proposal
Sample Grant-Proposal
Cover Letter
[Foundation Name]
[City, State, Zip]
[Dear Mr./Ms. _______________,]
We are requesting $ (Dollar Figure) for a community-built playspace in our neighb orho od, to be
located at (Exact Address and Location). We believe this reque st fits under you r giving area of
(Foundation’s Specific Giving Area) be cause (Detail Reasons).
Our vision and mission a re central to our efforts in generating funds for this playspace: (Detail
Organization’s Mission and Vision).
A new, safe and accessible playspace is need ed in our community for the following reasons:
(Detail Why a Playspace is Needed).
With this grant, we will build a playspace with (Number of Play Activities) play activities. This
playspace will serve (Number of Familie s Served) families in the neighborhood and (Number of
Youth) youth. This community-built playspace will employ (Number of Volunteers Needed)
volunteers who will actually build the structure under the guidance of a certified installer and play-
equipment representative. We have collaborated with (Number of Businesses Collabo rated With)
local businesses and o rga nizations to help us make this dream come true.
I will call to confirm the receipt of this letter and to answer any questions. I can be reached at
(Phone Number) should y ou need to get in touch with me.
[Contact person] [Director/President of Organization]
[Title] [Title]