Fillable Printable Sample Proposal Letter
Fillable Printable Sample Proposal Letter

Sample Proposal Letter
Sample Proposal Letter
(This would be your team letterhead with contact information for your client.)
Mr. Ted Quinn
Nonprofit Agency Name
Street Address
Austin, TX 78728
Dear Mr. Quinn:
Our team enjoyed discussing the opportunity to assist Nonprofit Agency in developing a
plan to increase your volunteer productivity. As we agreed, we began work on this project
last week. We are submitting a proposed action plan for your review.
On [date], we met and discussed the recent turnover of volunteers in your San Antonio
region and your recent acquisition of the Corpus Christi/South Texas region. We also
discussed your growing concerns regarding your volunteer recruitment and retention
practices. Increasing your volunteer base will allow Nonprofit Agency to serve more
needy clients throughout South Texas.
Initial research shows you to have one volunteer with seven years and another with three
years of tenure. You also recently "rehired" a volunteer who was previously with you for
three years. You have two new volunteers in your San Antonio region, and have not yet
started seeking volunteers in Corpus Christi.
Your volunteer recruitment practices include a standard newspaper advertisement and
personal interview. You offer a half-day training session for all volunteers. In that half-day
training you also provide literature about your agency and a 3-page "volunteer handbook."
As you requested, our goal will be to develop a plan and present you with a number of
recommendations to increase your volunteer recruitment by 10% and improve your
volunteer retention by 20% within the next year. This plan will be accomplished through
the following steps:
1. An analysis of the volunteer recruitment practices in this area.
2. An analysis of recruitment and retention practices of other non-profit agencies.
3. A survey of current and past volunteers about effectiveness of volunteer training,
handbook, etc.
4. An evaluation of your one-half day training session and the training handbook.
5. A survey of past volunteers to identify reasons for decreased participation.
Ted Quinn Page 2 Date
Meeting these objectives will require an open line of communication with current and past
volunteers. A letter of introduction from you will be helpful in gaining their cooperation. The
success of this project will be further enhanced if we could identify a liaison within your
organization to provide us with direction and answer questions as needed.
We will supply you with interim progress updates every two weeks. We invite you for a
presentation of our findings at ___p.m. on [DATE – see calendar for final presentation
date] at [LOCATION - classroom]. The written report will be submitted by [DATE – two to
three weeks after due to me to give you time to revise].
This project will provide you with support and guidance in reaching your goals for effective
recruitment and retention of volunteers. Please call me at XXX-XXXX with any comments
and suggestions for this project. If this proposal meets with your approval, please
authorize by signing below and (here you tell them if you want to be called to pick it up or
to come and meet with them or what you want the next action to be).
Jane Smith
cc: Layla Garcia, Mark Jefferson, Rebecca Longoria
CLIENT Authorization
Date ___________________