Fillable Printable Sample Of Cover Letter For Business Proposal
Fillable Printable Sample Of Cover Letter For Business Proposal

Sample Of Cover Letter For Business Proposal

Fundraising and Development
TCA Tool-kit 49
e P
Sample Proposal
Summary of Request
Program Title: Ballet Austin
Community Development through the Arts
Proposed by: Contact Person
Agency Name: Organization
City, State, Zip
Program Dates:
Amount of Request:
Program Description
munity Development through the Arts is a Ballet Austin initiative that provides small to mid-
size Texas communities with quality arts programming, in-school arts education residencies and
professional development for arts organizations and presenters.
Through this program, the organization name will provide the community(s) of name
of community(s) with the following services:
• A public, family performance of The Nutcracker
• Two days of in-school educational residencies
• Docent (public-speaking) training for area schoolteachers and community members to help
them prepare their students and the community for the family performance
• Professional development training for community members ( organization name ) in the
areas of marketing and advertising, fundraising, special events, public relations, box office
management and outreach programs
The goal of the Community Development through the Arts initiative is to provide our community
with quality arts programming and to utilize the experience of the Ballet Austin staff to ensure that
the presentation of the events will be successful. Skills gained from the professional development
are transferable and will allow the organization name to plan and implement a
comprehensive series of future arts events in our community.

Fundraising and Development
TCA Tool-kit 50
Program Implementation
Ballet Austin and the organization name will complete a Community Profile, a series of
assessments designed to determine the current strengths and challenges of the presenting
organization. This profile will also allow Ballet Austin to design educational programs that are most
relevant to our community.
Upon completion of the profile, the organization name will receive a toolkit containing
templates and guidelines for successful arts presentation in the areas of marketing and advertising,
fundraising, special events, public relations, box office management, and outreach programs. The
toolkit will be tailored for use in our community and Ballet Austin staff will provide consultation
for implementation. Organization name members and Ballet Austin staff will work together
to establish benchmarks for success in the area of fundraising, ticket sales and community
involvement and response.
Four to six weeks prior to the public performance, Ballet Austin staff and dancers will visit our
community and conduct two days of educational programming in area schools. Special workshops
and programs will be provided for children in grades K-12. All the activities are highly interactive
providing students with an opportunity to participate as well as observe.
Ballet Austin staff will also meet with area teachers and community members, providing them with
information about ballet and Ballet Austin’s performance and giving them training in public
speaking relative to this event. These community members will then begin a public-speaking
campaign designed to increase community awareness, interest and education about the upcoming
The initiative will culminate with a public performance of The Nutcracker on dates and
times .
This project will reach a total of people ranging from pre-K through adult. (Here give
a broad but realistic estimate that includes all participants including patrons who attend the
performance, community members who participate in docent training, and your organizational
representatives who participate in professional development training and school children who will
participate in educational residencies. Project for a best-case scenario.)
Need Within the Community
Use this are a to describe the specific need or reason that you want to bring Ballet Austin to your
community. Focus on past arts experiences – what has worked, what hasn’t and why this initiative
will be valuable to your arts organization and the community as a whole. Be specific as possible.
As this initiative has a strong education component and many funders will respond to this aspect,
it is important to refer to the important role that the arts play in education. There is some excellent
data now available that supports this and it would be helpful to include along this line.

Fundraising and Development
TCA Tool-kit 51
Champions of Change: The Impact of Arts on Learning is a newly completed report commissioned
by the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities. The results of seven varied studies
clearly establish that learners can attain higher levels of achievement using the arts as a tool.
Learning through the arts can actually help “level the playing field” for youngsters from
disadvantaged circumstances. Additionally, Howard Gardner’s well-accepted theory of multiple
intelligences and learning styles proposes that children learn in a variety of ways. Many children
do not learn well sitting at a desk and may assimilate information more effectively while singing or
moving. Additionally, as detailed in a 1996 report by the Getty Institute, arts education is the most
effective way to develop the workforce of the next generation. This workforce must be multi-
dimensional and flexible with strong creative, productive and critical thinking skills. Once
consider a “frill,” arts education is now seen as integral to the academic process.
valuation for this program will come from several points:
• Staff and Ballet Austin will evaluate the success of the initiative based upon the benchmarks
they established at the outset.
• Opinion surveys will be distributed to community participants, requesting response to all
areas including marketing and advertising campaigns, educational programs, special events
and public performance.
• Opinion surveys will be distributed to organization members requesting
response to the effectiveness of the professional development training.
Evaluation benchmarks include:
• Ticket sales
• Level of financial support
• Community awareness and involvement
• Student and teacher participation in educational programs
• Effectiveness and transferability of professional development skills
Key Staff
nclude a short biography of organizational key staff (either executive director or board officers).
From Ballet Austin Tool-kit