Fillable Printable Cease and Desist Letter
Fillable Printable Cease and Desist Letter

Cease and Desist Letter

Cease and Desist Letter
Instructions and Sample Letter
Follow these instructions to complete the sample Cease and Desist
letter on the next page. To learn more about Cease and Desist letters
search “Cease and Desist” on
1. Write your name and address,
the creditor’s name and address, and
the date on the letter.
2. Write your account number if you know it.
3. Keep a copy of the letter.
4. Mail the letter “certified return-receipt requested” so you have
proof that the company got the letter.
5. Write on the copy you keep, the date that you mail the letter.
6. If you are keeping a Debt Collection Tracker sheet, remember to
write down all this information in your tracker sheet, also.

Your name:
Your address:
Creditor's name:
Creditor's address:
RE: Cease and Desist Collection attempts regarding account number_________________
Dear Creditor:
Someone from your company contacted me about a debt. Please cease and desist from
contacting me or my family by telephone at home, or at work, about this or any related
Additionally, in accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act I am requesting the
following information:
a) How you calculate the money you say I owe.
b) Copies of the papers where I agreed to pay what you say I owe.
c) The name of the original creditor.
d) Demonstrate that you are licensed in my state, and provide this license number to me.
Please provide this letter to the company for whom you are collecting so that they have
notice of my demand. This letter is not an acknowledgment that I owe you money.
If you do not stop immediately, I may be forced to take legal action.
Your signature:
Print your name: