Fillable Printable Sample Cease and Desist Letter Template
Fillable Printable Sample Cease and Desist Letter Template

Sample Cease and Desist Letter Template
SAMPLE: "Cease and Desist" letter – to stop debt collection calls
Today’s date
Your name
Your address
Collector’s nam e
Collector’s address
Re: (insert account number or account name)
Mr./Ms. (Collector’s last name):
This letter is in response to the many phone calls I have been receiving from you.
According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, [15 USC 1692c] Section 805 (c): Ceasing
Communication, you must stop all communication with me after receiving a letter that I no
longer wish to communicate with you. Therefore, do not call me at home, at work, on my cell
phone or at any other location.
Now that you have received this Ceasing Communication letter, in accordance with the federal
Fair Debt Collections Act, you may only contact me to inform me that there will be no further
collection effo rts or to notify me that a specific action will be taken.
Please be advised that I am well aware of my rights and know that any further contact by you or
your company, except a communication confirming there will be no further contact and except
notification of a specific action you intend to take, is in violation of the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act. I am also aware that any contact you make to a 3rd party concerning me is also in
violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, specifically Section 805 (b)2.
I am keeping accurate records of all correspondence from you so if you continue to contact