Fillable Printable Character Reference Letter
Fillable Printable Character Reference Letter

Character Reference Letter
Character Reference Letters
Original license applications require three character references from persons who have
personal knowledge and can attest to an applicant having:
(a) temperate habits
(b) good character, and
(c) recommends the applicant as a person suitable to be entrusted with the duties of the
station for which he/she makes applications.
Suggested Character Reference Letter
Current Date
To US Coast Guard
Regional Exam Center
I certify from personal knowledge that _____________ is a person of temperate habits
and of good character. I hereby recommend him/her as a suitable person to enter a
Steersman of Towing Vessels training program and to be entrusted with the duties of
that position.
Sign the letter
Your name (Type or print your name.)
Your address
City, State, Zip code
Your phone number
Your occupation or position
Character reference letters are not required to be notarized.