Fillable Printable Character Reference Letters
Fillable Printable Character Reference Letters

Character Reference Letters

CharaCter referenCe form
note to reCommender
The individual named below has applied to one of the certification programs administered by The Institute of Internal Auditors.
In considering the candidate’s qualifications for any of our certifications, we require a character reference evaluation by an
individual with an IIA certification, the candidate’s supervisor, or the candidate’s professor. The basis for this evaluation is the
Code of Ethics established by The IIA. Please read the Code of Ethics and then complete and sign this form. The Code of Ethics
is available at
InformatIon about CandIdate
Candidate’s ID Number:
Candidate’s Name (please print):
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Initial)
Candidate’s Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________
InformatIon about reCommender
I am (check all that apply):
A CIA (Certified Internal Auditor)
A CCSA (Certification in Control Self-Assessment)
A CFSA (Certified Financial Services Auditor)
A CGAP (Certified Government Auditing Professional)
A CRMA (Certification in Risk Management Assurance)
The candidate’s professor
The candidate’s supervisor (current or prior)
Name (please print): ____________________________________________________________________________________
Title/Position: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Organization: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Statement of CharaCter referenCe
In my opinion, the candidate named on this form exhibits high moral and professional character and meets the qualifications
set forth by the Code of Ethics established by The Institute of Internal Auditors.
Recommender’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please upload the completed form through the document upload portal. Access the document upload portal by going to and clicking
the link for the document upload portal.
This document will be reviewed within approximately five business days of receipt at The IIA. You may confirm that the document has been approved by going to, logging in to your record on the Certification Candidate Management System (CCMS), and clicking on the appropriate certification
program on the Certification Progress screen. If the document cannot be approved, you will be contacted.