Fillable Printable Child Support Enforcement Form - Arkansas
Fillable Printable Child Support Enforcement Form - Arkansas

Child Support Enforcement Form - Arkansas

Questionnaire and Application
Office of Child
Support Enforcement
This Questionnaire is necessary in order to provide child support services. Fill out the questionnaire
completely. The more information we have, the better we are able to help you.
The disclosure of your Social Security number is mandated by Public Law 104-193 in order that the
Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) may provide services related to the establishment of
paternity and the establishment, modification, and enforcement of child and/or medical support
If you receive TEA or Medicaid benefits for yourself, including the Arkansas Health Care Independence
Program (also called the Private Option), complete and return only this questionnaire. All other persons
seeking child support enforcement services must return both this Questionnaire and the Contract for
Services. A $25.00 application fee is required from all applicants except those who receive TEA benefits,
Medicaid, including the Arkansas Health Care Independence Program, or whose child is receiving
ARKids 1st A or B. You may return these forms to the local child support office nearest you or mail it to
OCSE, P.O. Box 8133, Little Rock, AR 72203.
Be sure to attach the following:
• Copies of the original child support order, if there was one, and any modified (changed) orders. Also
include copies of any guardianship or custody orders, juvenile orders, temporary orders, probate
orders, or orders of adoption.
• Payment records from the clerk of court or a child support agency in another state.
• Copies of the child’s or children’s birth certificates and an Acknowledgement of Paternity, if one was
• If you are enrolled in Medicaid or your child is receiving ARKids 1st A or B, provide a copy of your
Medicaid or ARKids card. If you are enrolled in the Arkansas Health Care Independence Program,
provide a copy of your DHS acceptance letter.
Office Use Only
Date Requested: _______________________________
Date Provided: ________________________________
Fee Paid: ________ Date Received: ______________
Receipt #: _______ Case ID: ____________________
Information About You
Physical Address
City, State, Zip
Mailing Address
City, State, Zip
Phone Home Work Cell
Social Security Number Date of Birth
Employer Name
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You can complete this form by
hand or online. Once complete,
print the form, sign where
required, and submit to the
appropriate child support office.

Questionnaire and Application
Employer Address
City, State, Zip
Employer Phone Number
Race: ___Caucasian ___ African American ___ Hispanic ___ Asian
___ American Indian: Tribe ______________ ___ Other: ____________________
Are you or the children under an order of protection? ___Yes ___No
If yes, please provide a copy of the order.
Are you currently receiving the following services?
SSI: ___Yes ___No
SSA/SSD: ___Yes ___No
VA Benefits: ___ Yes ___ No
Worker’s Compensation: ___Yes ____No
Do you receive for yourself and/or the children listed any of the following?
TEA: ___Yes ___No If yes, provide your TEA case number _____________________
Medicaid, including the Arkansas Health Care Independence Program: ___Yes ___No
If yes, provide your case number _____________________
ARKids 1
A or B: ___Yes ___No If yes, provide the ARKids case number ________________
Have you ever in the past received cash public assistance (also known as TEA or TANF)? ___Yes ___No
If yes, please provide the state or tribal name(s) and the time frame during which assistance was received.
State or tribe: _________________________ Years of assistance: from _____ to _____
State or tribe: _________________________ Years of assistance: from _____ to _____
State or tribe: _________________________ Years of assistance: from _____ to _____
Do you have an attorney representing you on any matter related to the other parent? ___Yes ___No
If yes, please provide the following information about the attorney:
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
Phone number: _________________________________________
Information About The Children
Please provide the following information for each child for whom you are seeking services.
Child 1: Full legal name (first, middle, last) Date of birth Sex
Social Security number Race Place of birth (county & state)
Has a support order been established for this child? Was a Paternity Acknowledgment
Child 2: Full legal name (first, middle, last) Date of birth Sex
Social Security number Race Place of birth (county & state)
Has a support order been established for this child? Was a Paternity Acknowledgment
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Questionnaire and Application
Child 3: Full legal name (first, middle, last) Date of birth Sex
Social Security number Race Place of birth (county & state)
Has a support order been established for this child? Was a Paternity Acknowledgment
Child 4: Full legal name (first, middle, last) Date of birth Sex
Social Security number Race Place of birth (county & state)
Has a support order been established for this child? Was a Paternity Acknowledgment
Child 5: Full legal name (first, middle, last) Date of birth Sex
Social Security number Race Place of birth (county & state)
Has a support order been established for this child? Was a Paternity Acknowledgment
Is the noncustodial parent ordered by a court order to pay child support? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, which court (county & state/tribe/country)? _________________________________________
What is the court-ordered amount? _____________________________________________________
What is the payment schedule (weekly, monthly, bi-monthly)? ________________________________
Amount of back support owed: ____________________ as of _____________________ (date)
Date and amount of last payment: ______________________________________________________
Was spousal support/alimony ordered? ___ Yes ___ No
If so, do you want OCSE to collect on that obligation: ____ Yes ____ No
If you are the biological parent of the child or children for whom you are requesting services, provide the
following information:
Are you currently or have you ever been married? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please provide the following information:
Name of current spouse: ____________________________________ Date of marriage: ________________
Name of past spouse(s): _____________________________________ Date(s) of marriage: ______________
Dates of divorce: __________________________________________________________________________
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Questionnaire and Application
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Information About The Noncustodial Parent
You may or may not know the following information about the noncustodial parent. Please provide
information to the best of your ability.
Full Name
Alias or Nicknames
Physical Address
City, State, Zip
Mailing Address
City, State, Zip
Phone Home Work Cell
Social Security Number Date of Birth or Approximate Age
Employer Name
Please provide the following information about your legal relationship to the noncustodial parent:
___ Never married to each other
___ Married on __________(date) in ______________________________(state & county/tribe/country)
___ Legally separated on _______________ (date) in _________________(state & county/tribe/country)
___ Divorced on ______________ (date) in _________________________(state & county/tribe/country)
___ Divorce pending in ___________________________ (state & county/tribe/country)
___ Other ____________________________________________________________________________
If you are not the biological parent of the child or children for whom you are requesting service, please
answer the following:
How are you related to the child? _________________________________________________________
What are the names of the biological mother and father of the child? ____________________________
Do you have a court order declaring you as the child’s legal guardian? ____ Yes ____ No
Was the mother married at the time the child was born? ___ Yes ___ No ____ Don’t know
Information About Medical Coverage
Does the child or children for whom you are requesting services currently receive medical coverage other than
ARKids 1st? ___ Yes ___ No (if no, continue to the section Information About the Noncustodial Parent)
If yes, please provide the following information:
Name of insurance company: ______________________________________________
Address, city and zip: ____________________________________________________
Policy number: _________________________________________________________
Subscriber/member number: ______________________________________________
Who provides the insurance? ___ Myself ___ Noncustodial parent ___ Step-parent
___ Other, please explain: ________________________________________________
Does the child receive secondary medical coverage? ___ Yes ___ No
Please explain: _________________________________________________________
Is health insurance available through your employer? ___ Yes ___ No
I prefer to have the responsibility to provide medical coverage for the children listed above. ___Yes ___No

Questionnaire and Application
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City, State, Zip
Physical Description of the other parent:
Eye Color ________ Hair Color ___________ Height _________ Weight ________
Marks (tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.) ___________________________________
Race: ___Caucasian ___ African American ___ Hispanic ___ Asian
___ American Indian: Tribe ______________ ___ Other: ____________________
What are the names of the mother and father of the noncustodial parent, even if they are deceased?
Father’s full name: ______________________________________________________________________
Mother’s full name, including maiden name if known: __________________________________________
Does the noncustodial parent currently receive any of the following:
SSI? ___Yes ___No ___Not Known SSA/SSD? ___Yes ___No ___Not Known
VA Benefits? ___Yes ___No ___Not Known TEA? ___Yes ___No ___Not Known
Worker’s Compensation ? ___Yes ___No ___Not Known
Has the noncustodial parent ever been in the military?
___Yes ___No ___Not Known
If yes, what branch?__________________________
Has the noncustodial parent ever been in jail or
prison? ___Yes ___No ___Not Known
If yes, where? ______________________________
Does the noncustodial parent own a car? ___Yes ___No ___Not Known
Year _____ Make/Model ______________________ License Number _____________ State _______
If the noncustodial parent is currently unemployed, please provide the information for the last known
employer to the best of your knowledge:
Company name: ___________________________ Phone: __________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Is the noncustodial parent currently married? ___Yes ___No ___Not Known
If yes, list name of the current spouse: _______________________________
Is the other parent represented by an attorney? ___Yes ___No ___ Not Known
If yes, please provide the following information about the attorney:
Name: ____________________________________ Phone: _____________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Where did the noncustodial parent attend high school? _______________________________
How did you and the noncustodial parent meet? _____________________________________
Please list any other information that you feel will help OCSE in working your case. For example: professional,
business, or a commercial driver’s license; other names he or she may use; address where his or her parents
reside; name of any other children the noncustodial parent may have.
How did you learn about our services? (Check all that apply)
__ Another state agency
__ Brochure
__ Child Care referral
__ Educational presentation
__ Expos and fairs
__ I am re-opening my case
__ Internet
__ Letter from OCSE
__ Newspaper /print ad
__ Radio
__ Referred by someone
__ Other-please explain __________
Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________

Questionnaire and Application
*** NOTICE ***
Application and Contract for Child Support Services
The applicant hereby and herein:
1. Authorizes the agency to assign legal counsel of its choice to act on behalf of the agency and
applicant’s assigned interest, and be the attorney of record for the agency to establish paternity
and/or a monthly support obligation, and to enforce payment of such obligation. The attorney
does not represent the applicant. There is no attorney/client relationship created between the
applicant and the attorney.
2. Understands that the OCSE attorney represents the State’s interest in having children ad-
equately supported and in collecting overdue support. The applicant retains the right to employ
separate private counsel.
3. Agrees that the agency shall have the right to collect from the noncustodial party both current
and past due support payments in the amount provided by the support order.
4. Agrees that the agency, rather than the applicant, shall have any and all rights, title and inter-
est in any and all property belonging to the noncustodial parent against which a claim may be
placed for the collection of child/spousal support.
5. Agrees to forward to OCSE any and all support payments which he or she receives directly
from the noncustodial parent after the date of acceptance of this Application and Contract.
6. Agrees to notify OCSE of any changes in the applicant’s address.
7. Agrees to notify OCSE of any Court action which may change or affect the support order.
8. Agrees to notify OCSE of changes to medical coverage, such as participation in ARKids 1st or
Medicaid, including the Arkansas Health Care Independence Program.
9. Agrees that the agency retains all rights to enforce and collect child support arrearages and
child support judgments in an amount equal to any unreimbursed Transitional Employment As-
sistance (TEA) grant which the applicant received prior to this Contract. Should this contract be
cancelled or terminated, the applicant understands and agrees that OCSE will continue to pursue
the collection of TEA grant through IRS tax intercept until the debt owed to the State is satisfied.
10. Agrees to pay all costs and fees charged for child support enforcement services pursuant to
the Cost Schedule except while participating in ARKids 1st A or B or if receiving public benefits
such as TEA or Medicaid in the future. A copy of the cost schedule for services was provided to
the applicant with this Application and Contract for Services and is incorporated herein by refer-
ence. The applicant understands costs and fees will be deducted from support collected at a rate
not to exceed 13% of the total amount collected or the actual fees and costs due, whichever is
less. The applicant understands that in interstate cases the responding state may charge addi-
tional costs. The applicant further understands that if enrollment in ARKids 1st A or B ceases, the
applicant agrees to pay all costs and fees charged for child support enforcement services pursu-
ant to the cost Schedule for Services that was provided to the applicant with this Application and
Contract for Services but not previously imposed due to their participation in ARKids 1st A or B.
11. Understands the agency will disburse support payments electronically to a prepaid debit card
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Questionnaire and Application
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unless the applicant requests payment to be made by direct deposit or is granted an exemption.
12. Acknowledges that if situations occur where money is received to which the applicant is not
entitled, the money must be returned voluntarily to OCSE, or, as required by Arkansas law, OCSE
will take the appropriate actions necessary to recover that money. Any decision made regarding
the method of recovery of the money will not preclude or affect child support services being
provided to you by OCSE.
The agency herein:
1. Agrees to provide assistance in establishing a support obligation and paternity if needed, and/
or collecting support on behalf of the applicant’s minor children in such amount as is, or may be,
provided for by a support order.
2. Agrees to assign legal counsel for establishment, collection and enforcement of child support
(including paternity establishment), and medical insurance premiums. The agency undertakes no
representation of the applicant on custody, visitation or any other legal issues.
3. Agrees that the applicant retains the right to hire private counsel to represent his/her inter-
ests in any issue.
4. Agrees to exercise reasonable effort to establish an obligation and to make collections of child
support on behalf of the applicant’s children and spousal support on behalf of applicant, if includ-
ed in an existing child support order.
5. Agrees to post and disburse, within two business days of identification, amounts collected on
behalf of the applicant less the deduction for costs as specified herein. EXCEPTION: Interceptions
from bank accounts and insurance lump sums will be held for 10 days before disbursing. Federal
tax disbursements may be delayed up to six months if the refund is subject to adjustment from
the IRS.
Signature of Applicant for Services