Fillable Printable Parents Forever - Beltrami County
Fillable Printable Parents Forever - Beltrami County

Parents Forever - Beltrami County

University of Minnesota Extension Beltrami County
Parents Forever
Educaon for Families in Transion
Beltrami County
This course meets the requirements of Minnesota legislaon, which became eecve in January, 1997, and
updated July 2004, that mandates all parents of minor children going through a divorce, with contested custody
or parenng me issues, to complete a minimum of an 8-hour divorce educaon program. The class is required
to start within 30 days aer the rst ling with the court is served or as soon as classes are available. Upon
compleon, parcipants receive a cercate recognized by the court as compliance with orders to parcipate.
The University of Minnesota Extension is commied to the policy that all persons
shall have equal access to its programs, facilies, and employment without regard
To race, color, creed, religion, naonal origin, sex, age, marital status, disability,
public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientaon.
Wh o Shou l d A end
P a re n t s F o re ve r
Cl a s s es
Parents who are experiencing a family
transition of separation/divorce.
Parents filing for divorce in Beltrami County are Court
mandated to complete 2 sessions of the Parents Forever
Class prior to divorce finalization.
Parents who are considering
separation/divorce and would like to learn
more about the impacts that can effect their
Parents who are already divorced and are
experiencing challenges co-parenting.
Parents who have never been married and do
not live together, but are having challenges
Professionals working with families in
for 2 classes
You must attend both days to receive your
Certificate of Completion. If you miss a
class it must be made up in the next ses-
sion. If you do not complete the classes in
a calendar year, you must retake all ses-
sions the following year and pay for them
Parents Forever
Class Fee
Please complete the opposite side of this form.
Check or Money Order (no cash)
Please mail in payment to Beltrami County Exten-
sion 7223 Fairgrounds Road NW, Bemidji, MN
In Forma Pauperis (IFP)
If there was an order of In Forma Pauperis in the
divorce, the fee for the class will be waived. A copy
of the IFP must be provided to the Extension
Office before the start of the class. For info:
Call Beltrami County Court 218-333-4124
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Check with your employer to find out if they have
an EAP benefit. It may cover the cost of the class.
The paperwork must be obtained before the start
of the class.
Visit Our Website:
is a research-based educaonal program designed to
help parents through the process of making informed,
child-supporve decisions during separaon and
divorce, resulng in healthy children and posive
parent-child relaonships.
Parents Forever
P a re n t s F o re ve r
Pa y ment O p o ns

Name: ________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
City: __________________________________________
State: _______ ZIP: __________
Phone: (_____) _____ - _________ H W C
Alternate Phone: (_____) _____ - _________ H W C
P a r e n t s F o r e v e r
Cl a s s R e gi s t r a o n F o r m p l e a s e p r i nt
Ce rtifi cat es ar e distr ibut e d upon
comp letio n of bot h s essi ons .
Parents Forever, UMN Extension Oce, Bemidji
7223 Fairgrounds Rd NW, Bemidji, MN 56601
Phone: 218-444-5722 Fax: 218-444-5238
Mail, Fax or Drop Off completed registration form to:
For Oce Use Only:
Session Month:
Divorce File #: __________________________________
County you are ling for divorce in: _________________
Month/Date you are aending class: _______________
Is there an order for protecon: ___yes ___no
IFP = In Forma Pauperis in process: ___yes ___no
Photocopy of IFP aached: ___yes ___no
Name of parent you are in court proceedings with:
Paying the amount of $________ by
IFP (see county) EAP (see employer)
Check (Make checks payable to: U of M Extension Parents Forever)
P a re n t s F o re ve r
Cl a s s Outlin e
The Impact of Divorce on Adults
Helps parents understand how divorce impacts them and
suggests ways to cope constructively with accompanying
stress, anger and conflict. The unit includes discussion
about the grief cycle, stages of divorce, adult issues vs.
children's issues, as well as indicators and effects of abuse
and neglect on children and families.
Legal Issues and the Role of Mediaon
Offers an introduction to the legal process of divorce.
Topics include an overview of the divorce process in Min-
nesota; an explanation of basic legal terms; and mediation
as a choice to make decisions and resolve conflict.
The Impact of Divorce on Children
Focuses on how divorce effects children and how parents
can best help kids through the transition. Topics include
developmental needs and age-related behaviors of chil-
dren and youth when experiencing family transition; chil-
dren’s grief cycle; recognizing your parenting style;
strengthening communication skills between parents; and
tools for developing a parallel parenting plan.
Money Issues and Child Support
Helps parents with the emotional, social and economic
aspects of living with reduced income as often experi-
enced in family transition. Topics include information
about child support; budgeting resources; and how to talk
to children about money.
Pathways to a New Life
Explores fundamental steps for divorcing parents to move
on with their lives, including letting go of the past; rede-
fining their shared role as parents; effects of new relation-
ships; and developing a new circle of support.
Session I
Session II
Session III
Parents are not permitted to attend the same sessions.
Please advise the Coordinator if there is someone who
cannot be in class with you.
It is your responsibility to call your court administration
to let them know that you are registered.
To obtain an application for an IFP - Informa Pauperis
contact your County Court Administrative Office.
Beltrami County Court (218) 333-4124
Child care is not available.
For legal questions, contact your attorney.
For information on classes offered in other counties please
Bemidji Law Enforcement Center
613 Minnesota Avenue
EOC Conference/Training Room
Bemidji, MN 56601
P a re n t s F o re ve r
Cl a s s L oc a o n
“I really think before I speak now - I wish I would
have had the class earlier in my divorce.”
-Parents Forever Participant
August 26
6:00-10:00 pm
August 27
9:00-1:00 pm
October 3
6:00-10:00 pm
October 10
6:00-10:00 pm
P a re n t s F o re ve r
Re g i s t ra on P oli c i e s