Fillable Printable Christmas Messages Sample
Fillable Printable Christmas Messages Sample

Christmas Messages Sample
Senior Pastor Frances F. Williams
Calvary Hill Church
4999 Golden Ridge Road
Albany, NY 12207
December 25, 2010
Dear Brother/Sister-in-Christ
Re: Christmas message
Do you have room in your heart for Jesus?
That is the Christmas message I would like to bring to you this morning as
we wake up to this wonderful day of Christmas. Many of us may not have
the privilege of celebrating this Christmas with loved ones due to some
other commitment or circumstances, but take heart, Jesus is with you!
And it is HIS day! Hallelujah! How wonderful that we can celebrate the
birthday of a loved one every year. It is no different with our Savior, Jesus.
In fact, His birth is SO important it MUST be celebrated every year to
remind us to ‘make room in our hearts’ for him. The year is nearly over.
Each of us, including myself, has been so busy throughout the year, with
the things of the world, sadly to say, to care for the things of God.
But rejoice with me, brothers and sisters, that Christmas is the day we can
put away other things in our hearts and make room for Jesus; for He made
room for YOU when He chose to obey God’s plan to send Him to earth in
the flesh.
We tend to make room for others who bless us, don’t we? Allow me to
encourage you to ‘make room for Jesus’ in your heart this Christmas. He is
the honored guest in our lives.
Have a Blessed Christmas!
Senior Pastor Frances F. Williams