Fillable Printable Collection Agency - Business Licensing Service
Fillable Printable Collection Agency - Business Licensing Service
![Collection Agency - Business Licensing Service](/resources/formfile/images/gov1028/collection-agency-business-licensing-service-page1.png)
Collection Agency - Business Licensing Service
State of Washington
Business Licensing Service
PO Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034
Collection Agency, Branch Office, or Out-Of-State Office
Please read the next page for complete application instructions.
Owner/business name
UBI number
A Office contact information
Name of contact person who works at the location (Area code) telephone number
Location address as shown on Business License Application street or route, city, state, zip code
B Sole proprietor/officer/partners/general manager information
In this state or any other jurisdiction, or (have) any business owners, any persons with controlling interest in this
business, or the business entity:
1. Within the last 10 years, defaulted or been convicted of or entered a plea of no contest to a gross
misdemeanor or felony crime? (Don't include traffic offenses.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yes No
2. Currently under indictment, or is there a criminal complaint, charge, or information pending against
you? ............................................................................. Yes No
3. Within the last 10 years, had any action (fine, suspension, revocation, censure, surrender, etc.) taken
against any professional or occupational license, certification, or permit held by you? .............. Yes No
4. Within the last 10 years, had any civil court order, verdict, or judgment entered against you?......... Yes No
5. Petitioned for bankruptcy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes No
If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, please attach a letter of explanation to this form. Include the name of
the person or business involved, charge(s), date of conviction, civil judgment or order, county jurisdiction, state and
disposition of charges.
C Business bank accounts
1. The collection agency must have a bank account with at least $5,000 available for the use of the business.
(RCW 19.16.245)
Name of bank with at least $5,000 asset account Account number
Bank address Street or route, city, state, zip code
2. Each collection agency is also required to set up a "Customer's Trust Fund Account" for money that was collected on
behalf of clients and that is to be distributed to clients. (RCW 19.16.240)
Name of bank with trust fund account Account number
Bank address Street or route, city, state, zip code
D Client information
1. Do you currently have clients or plan to solicit businesses located in Washington State? ............ Yes No
2. Are you applying as a debt buyer?...................................................... Yes No
(See definition of client and debt buyer on page 2)
Upon filing, this document and the application become a public record subject to public disclosure provisions.
(RCW 42.56)
For assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit or call 1-800-451-7985. Teletype (TTY) users may call 360-705-6718.
BLS-700-335 (03/28/16)
Click here to START or CLEAR, then hit the TAB button
BLS-700-377 (04/14/16)
Client: The business or person on whose behalf you will
collect claims.
Collection Agency Endorsement
Choose this endorsement if:
• YourmainofceisinWashingtonStateor
• YourmainofceislocatedoutsideWashingtonState,
Debt Buyer:Anypersonorentityengagedinthe
to collect the debts.
Out-of-State Collection Agency Endorsement
Choose this endorsement if:
• Yourmainofceandallbranchofcesarelocated
• YouhaveNOclientsthatarelocatedinWashington
• YouarecontactingdebtorsthatliveinWashington
State who owe money to your out of state clients.
1. Select the correct endorsement and fee.
The type of endorsement you need is based on the
location of your clients. See Definitions above.
* TheendorsementfeeforanOut-of-StateCollection
have the license fee waived, include a copy of the
regulations from your home state.
2. Complete the following items and submit them
with your fee.
• BusinessLicenseApplication;
• CollectionAgencyAddendum(pageoneofthis
• Personal/CorporateFinancialStatementformthat
• Theliabilitiesandassetsoftheagencyinoneof
the three months prior to application.
• $7,500ormoreincashoritsequivalent
• $5,000ofthecashmustbedepositedinabank
account used to operate the business.
• $7,500ormorenetworth.
• $5,000bondorcashdeposit**(intheformofa
• Listofpersonswithmorethan20%interestinthe
** Abondisnotrequiredforanout-of-statecollection
To waive the Washington bonding requirement,
enclose proof that your bond is current and a copy of
the regulations from your home state for review.