Fillable Printable Condolence Message Sample
Fillable Printable Condolence Message Sample

Condolence Message Sample

We deeply regret this unbearable loss and beg you to convey our regards to his relatives and
colleagues in the CED.
José Carlos Rodríguez Alcantud
This is to convey my deep condolences to you and Murat Hoca's relatives.
Wietze Lise
I am deeply shocked by this information. I really condole with Murat's family and colleagues.
How is it possible to show them my sympathy?
Francois Maniquet
I was deeply sad to hear the terrible news last night. murat did so much for turkey, for the
profession and for all of us. Please convey my feelings to his family.
Ariel Rubinstein
I am very sorry to hear these shocking news.
Benny Moldovanu
Dear Ayça: I already communicated with other Turkish friends, and so this is no official
condolence, but just a personal one to you, as one of the people who enjoyed Murat's friendship
and the privilege of working so closely with him. As you know, I held the warmest feelings for
him, over and above the respect he commanded as an intellectual and a leader. So, I grieve with
you. Please, give me the address where I can send messages to his mother, wife and son.
Salvador Barbera
I am really sorry. I was in Aix and had dinner with him on Friday night. Even so he looked tired,
he was as lively as usual, and had many projects.
Gabrielle Demange

I am shocked to hear the sudden news of Murat passing away. While words are not sufficient
consolation for the bereaved family, I request that my heartfelt condolences be conveyed to them.
We in Economics will all miss him very much.
Somdeb Lahiri
My deepest condolences to Murat's family, friends, and co-workers. We all have lost a great
man... I hope this message may comfort you in the very painful days to come.
Antonio Romero-Medina.
I am shocked and sorry. Please continue to keep me informed.Do you think of a special issue of
RED " in memoriam Murat" ?
Walter Trockel
I am very sorry. My sincere condolences. It seems impossible.
José Luis García Lapresta
I am very sorry to hear the news. Please accept my condolences extensive to Professor Sertel's
Flavio Menezes
Please kindly convey my heartfelt condolensce to the family of Professor Murat Sertel on his
sudden passing away. We have indeed lost an excellent economist and a very good friend and
Shasikanta Nandeibam
I am deeply saddened by the news of Murat's untimely death. He was a man of great insight and
personality, and his death is a great loss for the economics profession. Please send forward my
sincere compassion to his family.
Kotaro Suzumura.

We are deeply sorry to know about Murat Sertel. I made the announcement today at a meeting in
the Department and everybody asked me to transmit their corncern.
Carmen Herrero
I am sending you my deepest condolences. I will miss Murat as a friend and an editor.
Bezalel Peleg
This is a very sad news. A great loss for the profession. I would like to express my profound
sympathy to his relatives, close friends and colleagues.
Michel Truchon
Thank you for passing on to me this dreadful news. Murat and I were friends for a long time,
since 1975, and I had a very high esteem for him. Would you mind sending me his wife's
address, so that I may write to her? We have met although we did not know each other very well.
I know how awful it is for his coworkers to lose him. He was a great guy!
Yannis Ioannides
I am very sad to hear this. Murat not only made tremendous contributions to economics and the
economics community, but was also a person I liked very much personallly. He will be missed.
Tom Palfrey
It is a tremendous news since Murat has been one of my best friends and I still cannot imagine
thinking of his death. I wish to express my condoleances to all of you and ask you few questions
1. when will be the funeral and where is it going to take place
2. how do people take part in it (with flowers and visiting relatives for instance) or with other
3. the address of his wife and son since I would like to write to them both.
4. the web address of Turkish newspapers where they mention the death
Gianpaolo Rossini

This tragedy is so sad. Would you be kind enough to present to his family and friends my
condolences. He was a good and great man dedicated to the others and always plenty of
enthusiam and joice to communicate to others. He will be very much missed.
Michel Le Breton.
My sincere condolences. He was vital and wonderful man. His death is a shock.
John Conley
I am deeply sorry to hear the news. Please express my condolences to family and friends. He will
be very missed!
Emilson Silva
What very very sad news indeed. I am so sorry for all of his former students, his colleagues, and
his family. It is a great loss for all of us. I would like to write to his former wife, and I would also
to his son. Do you have their addresses? I recall that his father passed away a couple of years ago,
but is his mother still alive? If so, could you also give me her address?
William Thomson
I am shocked and distressed to hear of the passing of Professor Murat R. Sertel. Let me offer my
sincere condolences for his loss. I'm sorry that my English skills do not allow me to send a more
personalized letter but please accept my sincere wishes.
Yasuhito Tanaka
Dear friends: I want you to know how very sad I am - it was so terrible. We have lost such a great
man and a great friend. His charisma, entrepreneurial skills and vision for economic design were
truly outstanding, and will be sorely missed. Such a loss is tragic beyond words. With my very
deepest sympathies.
PS: If you have an address where I might send a card to Jenny and Tevfik, please send it along.
Matthew O. Jackson
This is unbelievably sad news. Istanbul will never be the same place without him. Keep strong
with friends' support. And now you will have to organise a conference in his memory.

Arkadii Slinko
Since I learned of Murat's untimely death it has been hard for me to console myself for the loss of
a dear friend and a great human being before anything else. This made it difficult for me until
now to share my condolences and feelings.
For the many years I have known him he has always been the generous, full of life, engaging and
deeply humane being you can only love and appreciate having as a friend and a colleague. His
bright mind and great heart are a shining example of what humanity is about. And he was a great
human being. I would like to share the grief and sorrow of his family and express to them that
many of us, including my wife, miss him also a great deal. May this sharing of their sorrow help
them overcome their/our loss. May he rest in peace.
Mustapha Kamel Nabli