Fillable Printable Sympathy Quotes Free
Fillable Printable Sympathy Quotes Free

Sympathy Quotes Free

A Message of Sympathy
We wish to express our sincere sympathy with you
in your recent bereavement. God, who knows the
depths of sorrow which the human heart feels, has
taken a loved one from your home; but though He
has allowed this sorrow to come upon you, He is “the
God of all comfort.” When His blessed Son, the Lord
Jesus, was here upon earth, He wept with the
sorrowing sisters at the grave of Lazarus. He felt the
reality of death, and the sorrow it brings as no one
else could. And then what great things He did for
them, for He is “the resurrection, and the life.” John
He can do great things for you also! Others can
stand by and speak words of sympathy, but they can
never do for you what the Lord Jesus has done. He
not only felt the sorrows of earth, but He came down
here, sent by God His Father, in love, to deliver us. He came to remove the
sting of death. May we at this time remind you of what He has done, of His
glorious work on Calvary.
The Scripture tells us that “the sting of death is sin,” I Corinthians 15:56, and
it also solemnly declares that “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of
God.” Romans 3:23. All therefore must feel death’s sting, unless their sins
have been taken away. Now that is just what the Lord Jesus came to earth to
do, for the Bible tells us that “He was manifested to take away our sins.” I John
3:5. Some think of the Lord Jesus only as a perfect Example, but since we
were “dead in trespasses and sins,” Ephesians 2:1, we needed more than a
perfect Example — we needed a Saviour. And the Lord Jesus is that Saviour!
He saw our deep need. He knew our burden of sin as none other knew it, and
went to the cross of Calvary. There He “bare our sins in His own body on the
tree.” I Peter 2:24. He took all the judgment our sins deserved in order that we
might go free. In bearing the judgment He took the sting out of death for all
those whose sins He bore. What a wonderful work He accomplished; and now
He is risen and glorified at God’s right hand in heaven.
Now the question is, “Do you, dear one, know Him as your Saviour?” Can
you say, ‘’He bore my sins and removed the sting of death for me”? The Bible
says, “He bare the sin of many.” Isaiah 53:12. Are you one of the “many”? It is
a question of making it personal, and the way to make it personal is to look by
faith to Calvary and see the Lord Jesus bearing your very own sins. If you take
Him now as your Saviour, then death’s sting will be gone for you, and you will
be able to say, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to
God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Corinthians
15:55-57. It is not by our works, our prayers, or anything that we could do, but
“through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“In peace let me resign my breath,
And Thy salvation see —
My sins deserve eternal death,
But Jesus died for me.”
If the loved one who is departed knew this precious Saviour as his or her
own, then your dear one is “absent from the body… present with the Lord.” II
Corinthians 5:8. He or she is consciously enjoying His glorious presence while
awaiting the resurrection morn when the Lord Jesus will come and take all His
own — the living ones, with those who have gone before — to be with and like
Himself in His glorious home above.
We urge upon you to accept this precious Saviour now, if you have not
already done so. Then, when your turn comes to leave this world, you will go
to that brighter home above where sickness, sorrow, and death shall never
enter. If, however, you refuse to accept the Lord Jesus, and you die in your
sins, you will have to bear the “sting” of God’s judgment forever in hell. We
write these words in love to your soul, hoping that you may not rest, until you
rest in the knowledge of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Take Him as
your Saviour today.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him
that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but
is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24