Fillable Printable Contract Form for Live-out Nanny
Fillable Printable Contract Form for Live-out Nanny

Contract Form for Live-out Nanny

Contract - Form for Live-Out Nanny
Short form.
Here are the broad categories of a usable contract. If you prefer to use a simple format, try
this one, f illing in the details you need:
Children’s names, etc.
Their activities
Our immediate goals for them
Nanny’s Work Schedule
Pay & Taxes
: Insurance, Paid holiday s, v a c a tion, sick days, Car use, Cell phone
House Rules
Start Date
Termination & Probation
Long Form
Alternatively, here are all the details you need to create a strong, clear, complete contract.
To personalize this form, you might your nanny’s own name where useful. To fully
customize for printing, delete items that do not apply.
For Each Child:
name ________
age _________
personality/preferences/special needs (allergies, meds, etc.) _________
name ________
age _________
personality/preferences/special needs (allergies, meds, etc.) _________
name ________
age _________
personality/preferences/special needs (allergies, meds, etc.) _________
Children’s Activities
meals ____
naps ____
baths ___
toileting ____
outdoor play ____
activities with other children ____
school schedules ____
extracurricular activities ____
bedtimes ____
additional notes ____
Developmental Goals for Each Child
Name, goal(s), timeframe for accomplishing them ___________
Name, goal(s), timeframe for accomplishing them ___________
Name, goal(s), timeframe for accomplishing them ___________
Nanny will be responsible for children’s rooms, meals and personal belongings.
This includes the following: _________________
Paren ts will pic k up af ter themselv es and make t heir own beds .
Cleaning service will do the following: _________________
We will prov ide for all meals eaten with our child ren, inclu d ing (a p proved) meals when
Nanny is out with the child/ren.
family style __________
instructions in re allergies_______________
location of shopping list _________
shopping to be done by nanny _________________
petty cash fund (amount) $_____ location ________ how often replenished _____.
receipts to be presented by nanny.___ (nanny’s initials)
Children’s Behavior (Discipline)
You may not hit our children or threaten to do so.
Treat them respectfully, but do not spoil them by offering unnecessary choices and
explanations or abuse or frighten them in any way.
We count on your judgment in our absence and w ill try to reinforce yo ur decis ions,
conferring privately with you when there is a difference in approach. When children become
we use (what method) ______________________.
in our absence we recommend that you __________________.
when we are present, please __________________.
special issues: ___________.
names and contact information in case of questions or emergency will be posted
(where?) ________.
Nanny’s Work Schedule
The work day is from_________ am/pm to ________ am/pm.
time parents routinely leave (e.g., for work) ___________, returning at ________.
anticipated late hours: never__, rarely__, occasionally __ often __.
nanny’s pay rate for overtime: $ _____per hour.
Pay & Taxes
Your gross weekly __ daily __ or hourly __ pay is $_________
paid weekly ___ bi-weekly __ semi-monthly __ on (day of week) ________
We will prov ide a weekly pay stub ____ or, if hours will not vary, a one-time written
explanation of pay and deductions _____.
IRS levies employment taxes on all regularly employed caregivers. Taxes we
will withhold and submit:
Social Security at 7.65% of gross = $_______
FICA = $_________
U/DI (rate varies by state) = _____________
your net (take home) pay = $_______.
overtime required: frequent __ rare __ never ____
Rate: $_____per____
pay review at 3 months__ 6 months __ year end __
If you accompany us on trips
Your work schedule will be __________________
Your responsibilities will be _________________________
We will p ay meals, acc o mmod a t ions and exp e ns es during wo rk hours.
You will be paid $ _________ per _______.
Notes: _____________________________
We w ill provide
IRS W-4 for nanny to sign and declare dependents
a year-end W-2 summarizing pay and tax contributions.
Pay rate: $___________/week __ day __ hour ___
by check __ in cash __ by automatic deposit to (nanny’s account #)___
weekly ___ bi-weekly __ semi-monthly __
on (day of week) ________
I. Health insurance
Beginn in g on (date) we will p a y __% of your health ins urance pr emiums th rough direct
payment to your insurance agent, up to a maximum of $ ________.
You ___ We ___ will pay deductibles.
You ___ We ___ will pay co-pays.
II. Paid days off
We will pay for the follow ing:
holidays: ___________________
vacation: __________ weeks/year, to be taken (when?) _________________
sick days: _______
personal business days_____________.
III. Car
The following driving is required ___________________
You / We will prov ide a car for us e on the job.
If you use your own car on the job, we will increase your pay by $___/week to
accommodate the extra responsibility you bear and in consideration of the expense
and risk thus spared us. This amount includes gas and wear-and-tear.
We will contribu te $______ to insurance for work related use of your car. (To be
paid by check written out to insurance agency directly.)
You/we will pay __% of deductible in the event of any on-the-job driving
accident in your car.
Amount of your deductible: $_________
Do not under any circumstances allow telephone calls to interfere with caring for the
Please make and take only short calls (2-3 minutes) when you are on duty.
Personal calls made during your work hours may be deducted from pay.
Cell Phone: We will/will not provide a c ell phone for use on the job.
It will/wi ll n o t in clude an allowance of $_____ in personal calls for you.
Terms of cell phone
House Rules
Please dress for work as follows: _____________
The following parts of the house are open to your use: ______________
The following parts of the house are private and for family access only: __________
You may entertain your own guests in the following area(s): _____________
During child care hours, please do not have guests other than nannies with children
who can play with ours. ______ (nanny to initial)
Please discuss these guests with us and introduce them in person advance.
_______(nanny to initial)
Other household issues:____________________________
Family religious activities: __________________
quick -- as needed, in person or by telephone: ________________
daily wrap-up -- in person __ or in journal kept (where?) _________________
where we will also leave notes for you to check. ______ (nanny to initial)
10-minute weekly conference -- On a weekly basis we expect you to sit down
with us to:
review the previous week’s events for us
present your plans for the next week
discuss any changes, new problems, or special needs
This conference will occur on the following schedule: ___________
Start Date
First day of work --
Your start date: __________
We will be at h ome to orient you on __________ (date/s)
Termination Notice
Probationary period:
Both parties agree to a probationary period of ____________ (weeks/months) during
wh ic h we will meet regularly to d is cuss openly any apparent differences in
If either party c an not adjust, we will b o th seek alternativ es.
Neith er will leave the other w it hout at least 1 week’s not ice/s everance
EXCEPT in the case of imminent threat to the health and safety of any of the
concerned parties.
Ongoing employment and Termination
Both parties agree to an initial employment period of at least ___ year(s) from start
of work.
Both parties agree to give at least (how much) ____ notice in case of dissolution
after the probationary period of ___ (weeks/months) unless for cause including the
serious and continued breach by either party of the terms of this Agreement.
Assuming an amicable departure, we ask that you not leave before that date unless
we have found alternate care ___ (employee’s initials); correspondingly, we will not
replace you before that date unless you have already found alternate employment
____ (employer’s initials).
A copy of this agreeme nt is to remain with the employer and a copy with the nanny.
Employer’s signature ____________________ date ______
Nanny’s signature _______________________ date ______
Form courtesy of