Fillable Printable Sample Nanny Contract
Fillable Printable Sample Nanny Contract

Sample Nanny Contract

Sample Nanny Contract
Name(s) of employer(s): ________________________________
Name of nanny:
Social Security number:
Number of children:
Name(s) of children:
Start date:
Compensation and Benefits:
Pay: $ per hour/week/month. This is to be paid weekly/every 2 weeks/monthly/
and 30
of the month.
Nanny will work _________ hours a week. Employer will pay $ _______/hour for any extra
hours worked.
Taxes: (Describe how taxes will be handled). For example, Employer will deduct all applicable
taxes from the nanny’s paycheck and make tax payments to the IRS. Refer to for
Health insurance: Employer agrees to pay (all or put specific dollar amount) of the nanny’s
health insurance, provided by (name of insurance company).
Paid Vacation: week(s) per year. Nanny will give employer weeks notice of any
upcoming vacations. Also, state whether nanny will be paid for week’s employer is on vacation.
Paid holidays: (List all that apply, for example, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc.)
Room and Board: yes/no (If yes, list benefits, such as nanny’s own telephone line (long-distance
charges excepted), food stipend or groceries per week, appliances such as microwave, television,
bed, etc.)
Extras: (Gym memberships, eye exam fee, dental cleanings, etc.)

Nanny’s work hours are as follows:
Include hours (am/pm) and days off.
Number of sick days:
Number of personal days:
Nanny will give employer days notice for personal days taken, and will call by
_______ a.m. the first day of illness.
(List the nanny’s responsibilities. Be specific. For example, taking the child/children to
playgroups or to the park every Wednesday at 3 p.m., doing the child/children’s laundry each
week, give medications on time when necessary, pick from school days and times, etc.)
Use of car to transport child/children: yes/no
Logistics: If yes, specify whose car (the nanny’s or employers) she’ll drive, and who will pay
the car insurance. State if employer will pay for mileage driven if nanny drives her car. (Current
rate for IRS is $.38/a mile). Also, state that you will provide a car seat to be used each time the
child/children are in the car.
Parenting Philosophy:
Naptime method: (specify nap time each day; whether nanny can let baby cry it out, and for how
long, how many times during the day the nanny should put the baby down, etc)
Discipline: (specify whether you want the nanny to discipline your child and method to be used.)
Television: yes/no If yes, how many hours a day /hours
Meals: (List how many meals a day, what your child is allowed to eat, and what not to eat.)
Hygiene: (List specific rules: for example, nanny must wash hands before and after diapering,
Safety: (Specify areas in your house and outside where your child/children is not allowed, and
other safety rules to be enforced)
Authorization to release child: (List anyone who is allowed to visit or pick up your child during
the day, for example, grandparents, your sister, etc.)

If a medical emergency arises, the nanny should (list appropriate measures here). (Enclose a
letter authorizing your nanny to take your child/children to the doctor or emergency room and
seek medical care.)
Nanny must contact the parents immediately.
Mother’s number
Father‘s number
Grandparent’s number
Reviews, Raises, and Grievance Procedures:
The employer agrees to review the nanny every month.
Cost-of-living raises will be given every (year/ years/depending on review).
If nanny has a grievance, she can (list appropriate measure here).
Changes and Amendments:
In the event of the birth of another child, a nanny (list here if nanny and employer must discuss
first if nanny wishes to continue employment, or if she will receive more money per week for the
care of the new baby, and how much)
Contract can be changed or amended if both parties agree: yes/no
Notice of Termination:
The nanny must give weeks’/months’ notice of termination in writing.
The employer must give the nanny _____ weeks’/months’ notice if her services will no longer
be required.
Should the employer terminate the agreement, employer agrees to pay all wages up to and
including nanny’s last day of work: yes/no
Nanny Date
Parent Date
Parent Date