Fillable Printable Corrective Disciplinary Action Form
Fillable Printable Corrective Disciplinary Action Form

Corrective Disciplinary Action Form

Employee Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________________
Social Security # : ____________________________ Position / Title: _________________
Unit/Airport: ________________________________ Manager /G.M.: _________________
Type of Corrective Action:
[ ] Verbal Warning [ ] Written Warning [ ] Suspension
Reason for Warning or Counseling:
[ ] Failure to report to work without
notifying Management or properly
covering shift
[ ] Refusal to obey orders /
[ ] Leaving work without permission
[ ] Tardiness
[ ] Breaking Company policy / procedures
[ ] Willful failure to perform job
[ ] Improper ringing up of food, beverages,
or merchandise
[ ] Dishonesty / Issue of integrity
[ ] Abuse of an employee, guest or
Company property
[ ] Negati ve confrontation with a guest or
another employee
[ ] Cash Shortage / Overage
[ ] Other
Summary of Reason:
Improvement Required:
Employee Comments: (if written warning)
I understand that further incidents of this kind or any other violations of other Com pan y rules or
procedures, will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employee’s signature
only acknowledges receipt of this warning.
_______ ____________________________ ______________________________________
Employee’s Signature Manager’s Signature
_______ ___________________________ __ ______________________________________
Date Manager’s Name
Corrective / Disciplinary Action Form