Fillable Printable Employee Corrective Action Form - Florida
Fillable Printable Employee Corrective Action Form - Florida

Employee Corrective Action Form - Florida

Revised 03/01/2013
Employee Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Department: ________________________________ Job Title __________________________________
Verbal Counseling______________ Verbal Warning ______________ Written Warning______________
Give date, time, and place given __________________________________________________________
The above disciplinary action was taken against you for:
Disciplinary Action: (
Give a statement of the facts causing this action, including time and place, acts and names of persons involved)
Action Plan:
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________
I delivered a copy of this form to the subject employee on ____________________________________
__________________________________________ __________
Employee’s Signature Date
___________________________________________ __________
Supervisor’s Signature Date
___________________________________________ __________
Manager’s Signature Date
I am aware that a copy of this notice will be placed in my personnel file.
____Absenteeism ____Tardiness ___Misuse/Damage of University Property ___Negligence
___Leaving Work Area W/O Permission ___Failure to Complete Assigned Duties ___Poor Performance
___Insubordination ___Use of Profane or Abusive Language ___Conduct Unbecoming
___Violation of Safety Rules ___Failure to Comply with Issued Directives ___Other