Fillable Printable Credit Card Application Form - Commonwealth Bank
Fillable Printable Credit Card Application Form - Commonwealth Bank

Credit Card Application Form - Commonwealth Bank

Credit Card Application
You must be 18 years of age or over in order to apply. For your application to be processed you must answer
all questions. Please complete using block letters and a black pen.
How to apply:
• Present completed form at any Commonwealth Bank branch with your identification
• Apply online at
• Apply over the phone on 13 2221, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Section 2 – Personal details
Section 1 – Card type (please tick (✔) one box only)
Important things to know about credit cards
The following table describes some of the important things you should know about credit cards. If your application is
successful, you will be provided with full detail of the fees and charges payable in our letter of offer.
Awards Credit Cards Low Fee Credit Cards Low Rate Credit Cards
Diamond Awards
Platinum Awards
Gold Awards
Low Fee Gold
Low Fee
Student (Full time at uni or TAFE)
Low Rate Gold
Low Rate
• These cards are best if you intend
to pay off your balance in full each
month and want to earn points which
you can redeem for rewards.
• These cards attract higher annual
fees and interest rates than some of
our other card types.
• These cards are best if you intend to
pay off your balance in full each month
and want a low annual fee. These
cards attract higher interest rates than
some of our other card types.
• The student card is for students
who intend to regularly pay off their
balance in full each month and want
to pay no annual fee for the duration
of their studies
• These cards are best if you don’t
regularly pay off your balance in full
each month and want to minimise the
interest you have to pay.
• These cards attract higher annual fees
than some of our other card types.
I would like the maximum credit limit available based on my application or;
Don't offer me a limit more than
Please advise your preferred credit limit below. Note that the credit limit we give you will depend on your ability to meet
your repayments.
Please note: The minimum credit limit for a Gold card is $4,000, Platinum card is $6,000 and Diamond Card is $18,000.
Credit limit increase invitations
From July 2012, we can only send you credit limit increase invitations from time to time if you have registered your consent to
receive them. If we send you an invitation, it’s your choice whether to apply. If you do choose to apply for an increase to your
credit limit, we’ll need to assess your application. You can give or withdraw your consent at any time.
Would you like to provide consent to be sent any credit limit increase invitations from time to time?
Yes, you have my consent to send me any credit limit increase invitations from time to time
No, don’t send me credit limit increase invitations
Email address
Full given name(s)
Visa expiry date (if NOT an Australian permanent resident)
No. of dependantsHome phone Work phone Mobile phone
Other names known by (if any) Australian driver's licence number
Date of birth
Australian residential address (PO Box not accepted)
State Postcode
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Section 5 – Details of accounts held with the Commonwealth Bank (if applicable)
Section 4 – Residential Status
Section 3 – Employment and income
Section 6 – Account balances held with other financial institutions
Section 7 – Assets
Section 8 – Expenses and liabilities
Section 2 – Personal details (continued)
Occupation (e.g. builder, doctor).
If not employed, please describe (e.g. student, retired, unemployed)
Student number (mandatory
if student card type is selected)
Employer's name or if self-employed, tick ( ✔ ) the box and provide business name and ABN
Employer’s address, or if self-employed, business address
State Postcode
years months
Length of time at current employment
$ per annum
Your gross main personal income
(e.g. salary, superannuation, benefits)
$ per annum
Other gross income
(e.g. investments, rent, 2nd job)
Please let this person know that you have provided us with their personal details, and that their information will be used only if we
need to contact you.
Postal address (if different to above)
State Postcode
years months
Length of time at current address Name of relative/friend (not living with you) Contact number
Renting OtherLiving with parents
Home owned/being purchased Estimated home value
Amount owing (if any)
BSB Account number Years held
Total savings/investments account
balance held with the Bank
Your main Commonwealth Bank savings/cheque/transactions account
Total savings/investments account balance held with other financial institutions
Value of real estate assets (excluding own home)
Value of other investments (e.g. shares, managed funds)
Value of motor vehicles
Value of household items (e.g. furniture)
Your share of monthly residential mortgage/rent/board
Your share of monthly general living expenses (e.g. bills, transport)
Total limits on credit cards and store cards
Total amount owing on other loan(s) (e.g. personal loans, car loans, charge cards)
Your share of monthly repayments on other loan(s)
Your share of other monthly expenses (other expenses you have not already declared)
Form continued next page
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Section 9 – Optional extras
Section 10 – Please read and sign below
Important notices
Additional cardholder (must be 16 years or older). To add an additional cardholder to your credit card account, simply complete this
section. Please let this person know that you have provided us with their personal details, and that their information will be used only
to provide them with an additional card and allow us to service their relationship with us.
Please provide details of a Commonwealth Bank account held by additional cardholder (if applicable)
Title Full given name(s)
Other names known by (if any) Date of birth
Please provide additional cardholder's current Australian residential address (PO Box not accepted)
State Postcode
BSB Account number
2. Balance transfer request (please read Important notices - Section B)
Please transfer the nominated amount(s) from my non-Commonwealth Bank credit or store card account(s) to my new
Commonwealth Bank Credit Card
Bank/Financial institution/store
Bank/Financial institution/store
Your credit/store card account number
Your credit/store card account number
Amount to be transferred
Amount to be transferred
By signing this application I have read and agreed to the Important Notices, Acknowledgment and Consent on Pages 3 and
4 of this form. I have reviewed the Important things to know about credit cards for this credit card as set out in Section 1 and
confirm that it suits my needs. I confirm that I do not know of any future changes to my financial circumstances that would make it
difficult for me to repay my credit card account. Please note if you do expect such a change, please call 13 2221 to discuss your
circumstances before you submit this application.
Signature Date
Section A: Customer information and privacy
Purpose of this form
By signing this form, you give us permission to collect, use and
exchange your information with others. This form also tells you
about our privacy practices.
You must give us accurate and complete information;
otherwise you may be breaking the law and we may not
be able to provide you with the products and services
that you require.
‘you’ includes individual borrowers and any person who holds
office in an entity which is a borrower.
‘we’ means Commonwealth Bank of Australia and its agents.
‘Group’ means us and our subsidiaries.
‘your information’ means information about you or your entity
(such as name and contact details), your interactions with us
(such as card transactions) and your credit history (such as
amount borrowed, whether you fail to make any repayments
on time and information obtained from credit reporting bodies).
It may also include information about you that is publicly
available, for example from public registers or social media.
Part A: What you need to know
1. Why we collect your information and what we use it for
We collect your information to identify you in accordance with
the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing
Act, and to assess your application for credit under the
National Consumer Credit Protection Act if applicable.
We also collect it to administer our customer relationships,
for internal processes including risk management and pricing,
to meet our obligations in relation to external payment and
credit reporting systems, for our own funding arrangements,
and (unless you tell us not to) to identify and tell you about
products and services that may interest you.
In some cases, we collect sensitive information for specific
purposes. For example, in assessing an application you
make for hardship relief, we may collect information about
your health.
2. Exchanging information with CRBs and others involved
in credit
We exchange your information with credit reporting bodies
(CRBs), other credit providers, persons who are involved in
arrangements that provide funding to us, and third parties
providing fraud detection services in order for us or them to:
• decide whether to accept you/your entity as a borrower or
advise as to risks of acceptance;
• manage credit borrowed by you/your entity and collect
overdue payments; and
• facilitate or manage funding arrangements.
In addition, you authorise us to:
• obtain a consumer credit report from a CRB to assess an
application for, or collect overdue payments of, commercial
credit for which you or your entity has applied;
• obtain commercial credit information about you in order
toassess an application by you for consumer credit; and
• disclose to CRBs whether you have made
repayments on time.
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Important notices
The CRBs we use are Veda -, Experian - and Dun & Bradstreet
- See our Privacy Policy for
how to access CRB credit information handling policies and
information about your rights if you suspect you may be a
victim of identity fraud and regarding use by CRBs of your
information for marketing purposes.
You have rights to access any credit-related information from
us, to request us to correct the information, and to make a
complaint to us in relation to the information.
3. Other people we may exchange your information with
You authorise us to exchange your information with members
of the Group who may use your information for any of the
purposes we can.
We may also exchange your information with others outside
the Group, for example, your employer (to verify your identity),
representatives, brokers and agents who refer your business
to us, our service providers, other financial institutions, debt
collectors and debt purchasers and relevant public registers.
Sometimes, it may be necessary to send your information
overseas – for example, where we outsource functions
overseas, send information to Group members overseas,
where we need to complete a particular transaction on your
behalf or where this is required by laws and regulations in
Australia or in another country. See our Privacy Policy for
more information.
4. Privacy Policy and how to contact us
Please visit (follow the Privacy Policy link)
to view the most recent copy of our Group privacy policy, You
can also obtain a copy from any branch of the Bank. Please
read the policy in conjunction with this form. It tells you about:
• other ways and reasons that we and the Group may collect,
use or exchange your information;
• how you may access and seek correction of your
information; and
• how to complain about a breach of your privacy rights
(including credit reporting rights) and our complaint
handling procedures.
You can also contact us about privacy issues:
• Email – [email protected];
• Phone – 1800 805 605; or
• Mail – write to the address in our Privacy Policy.
Section B – Balance Transfer Important Notes
The following special conditions apply to applications for
balance transfers:
• On the expiry of the specified period during which the
agreed annual percentage rate applies to a balance transfer,
the outstanding balance (including any related interest) is
treated as a cash advance.
• If your new Commonwealth Bank card is a Personal Liability
Business Credit Card:
- payments to your account will be applied to the balance
transfer amounts before any other cash advance or
purchase amounts and in the order detailed in the
Conditions of Use. This means that the portion of your
outstanding account balance that is subject to the lower
interest will be paid off first;
- you will not receive the benefit of any interest-free days on
credit purchases unless the closing balance is paid in full
(including any balance transfer) by the statement due date
each month.
• If the available credit on your Commonwealth Bank account
cannot accommodate the full dollar amount you wish to
transfer we will transfer a portion within your available limit.
• You must continue to make payments to your credit and/or store
card account until you receive confirmation that the balance
transfer was credited to that account on a future statement
• The amount transferred will be charged interest from the
date of the transfer.
• For other conditions relating to balance transfers, refer to
the ‘Important Information about Credit Cards – Conditions
of Use’ brochure that will accompany your offer letter.
Alternatively a copy of this brochure is available on
Section C: Declaration
I acknowledge that I have been truthful in all information
provided and:
All Applicants
• I have read this form and authorise you to collect, use and
exchange my information in the ways indicated in this form
and in the Group Privacy Policy;
• If I give you my electronic or telephone details, you may use
these to communicate with me, including providing updates,
reminders and marketing information (unless I tell you not
to). If I change my personal details (for example address
oremail address), I will inform you as soon as possible;
• With email details, you may also send me required
documents by making them available on the Bank’s website
and sending me an email that the information is ready for
retrieval. I understand that if I agree to this, a paper copy will
not be sent, I should check my emails regularly and I can
withdraw this consent at any time;
• If I do not wish to receive marketing material I can call
132221 or visit any branch. If I have no accounts with the
Bank I will need to wait until I receive confirmation that my
application has been approved.
• If I give you personal information about another person, I am
authorised to do so and will inform them of the contents of
this document;
• If I am applying for an account with Commonwealth Awards,
I (along with any additional cardholder on my account),
will also be issued with a Commonwealth Bank American
Express Card, all on the same credit card account;
• I understand that after processing my application, the Bank
may offer me a different card of the same family (e.g. Awards
instead of Gold Awards) from the card I selected;
Additional declaration for Business Credit Card
If I am applying for a Business Credit Card, I acknowledge
that the Business Credit Card that I am applying for provides
for personal liability. You will look to me (and not any
company, partnership or any other entity that may employ
or engage me) to recover all amounts charged using the
Business Credit Card, including any amounts charged by
anadditional cardholder
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Bank use only
Bank or agent use – identification details (e.g. passport, drivers licence details, etc.) must be completed in all cases where
customer identification is obtained
Bank officer's name
Lodgement branch number Staff number
Bank officer’s signature Date
Full name, and Date of birth, or Residential addressVerification has been performed for the customer:
Primary cardholder
Document type Document number Name on document Place of issue Issue date Expiry date
Full name, and
Date of birth, or Residential address
Verification has been performed for the customer:
Additional cardholder (if applicable)
Document type Document number Name on document Place of issue Issue date Expiry date
Staff member declaration (for application taken in Person)
• The customer has signed the credit card application which will be retained with the branch files.
• The customer has supplied the information it contains and has:
– Reviewed the application details prior to submission.
– Signed a printed copy of their application form for acknowledgement of the application, the Important Notices and Declaration.
• Customer identification of all cardholders has been verified and details recorded below
• I have identified and verified all cardholders and recorded this information below
• I have verified the student status for a Student Options Applicant
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Key facts about CBA’s credit cards
Correct as at 07 March 2015
Australian credit licence 234945
This information sheet is an Australian Government requirement under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009
Description of credit cards
Product name
credit card
Low Rate
credit card
Low Rate Gold
credit card
Low Fee
credit card
Low Fee Gold
credit card
credit card
Gold Awards
credit card
Platinum Awards
credit card
Diamond Awards
credit card
Minimum credit limit $400 $500 $4,000 $500 $4,000 $500 $4,000 $6,000 $18,000
Minimum repayments
If the closing balance is less than $25, the minimum payment is the closing balance. Otherwise, the minimum payment is the greatest of:
• the excess of the closing balance over the credit limit on your card account;
• 2% of the closing balance (rounded down to the nearest dollar); and
• $25.
Interest on purchases 19.74% p.a. 13.49% p.a. 13.49% p.a. 19.74% p.a. 19.74% p.a. 20.24% p.a. 20.24% p.a. 20.24% p.a. 20.24% p.a.
Interest-free period
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Up to 55 days
on purchases
Interest on
cash advances
21.24% p.a. 21.24% p.a. 21.24% p.a. 21.24% p.a. 21.24% p.a. 21.24% p.a. 21.24% p.a. 21.24% p.a. 21.24% p.a.
Promotional interest rate N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Balance transfer
interest rate
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
5.99% p.a.
for 5 months.
Cash advance
rate applies
Annual fee $0 $59 $89 $29 or $0
$89 or $0
$59 $119 $249 $349
Late payment fee $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20
There may be circumstances in which you have to pay other fees.
A full list of current fees applicable to this credit card can be obtained from
For more information on choosing and using credit cards visit the ASIC consumer website at
The terms on which this credit card is offered can change over time. You can check if any changes have been made by visiting
1. For Low Fee and Low Fee Gold cards, the annual fee is waived in the first year. The annual fee will be waived in each subsequent year as long as you spend at least $1,000 in the previous year on your
Low Fee card, or at least $10,000 in the previous year on your Low Fee Gold credit card (on purchases and cash advances only).