Fillable Printable Credit Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Credit Letter Sample

Credit Letter Sample
Mr. Sanjeev Dalal
Oriental Associates.
Paradise Arcade,
Sep 2010
Subject: Issue of Sample Credit Letter.
Dear Sir,
With reference to your request to issue a sample credit letter; we at Global
Infotech Solutions in response are pleased to attach herewith the sample
format of the issue of credit grant letter as per your details provided &
amended for your convenience. The details as inscribed in the grant letter
includes the date, approval from concerned authority, requisites to be
attached, amount in figures & words, Further to note that this sample letter
is not acknowledged by the appropriate authority & also copyright protected
which can also be binding with any legal proceedings in case of fraudulent
practices. Looking forward for your positive response at the earliest & also
inform for any discrepancies & changes to be altered in the final approval
Thank you
Signed For
Global Infotech Solutions