Fillable Printable Customer Service Manager Cover Letter
Fillable Printable Customer Service Manager Cover Letter

Customer Service Manager Cover Letter

Letter Samples
Useful Examples
This packet contains sample cover letters for you to use in producing your own letter. The examples
included in this collection show formatting, layout and design, placement of text, content, and actual
verbiage. By using these exhibits as a general guideline, you can gain some insight as to the general
look and language of an effective cover letter.
Cover Letters
Your resume should always be accompanied by a well-written one-page cover letter. Your cover letter
should be written in standard professional business letter format. Produce each letter individually. It
should be a personal letter, addressed to a specific individual, at a specific company or organization, and
making reference to a specific job. Never send a form letter. It is best to use a more exploratory, open-
ended, introductory tone in your cover letter, rather than a more assertive, application-oriented tone. Think
of it as a letter of introduction instead of a letter of application.
The header on your cover letter should match the header on your resume and it should contain your
name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
The first paragraph contains your objective. Tell the reason why you are writing the letter. Short, simple,
and direct. Include the name of the company in the description of objective.
Your second paragraph contains a summary of your qualifications for the job. Provide a brief description
of your education, experience, and skills as they relate to the job.
Your third paragraph is the action statement. Express your desire for a meeting to learn more about the
job and the company. Ask for the interview. Indicate that you will follow up.
The letter should be single spaced. Use active rather than passive voice.
In the address block of the employer, include the name and title of the person.
Avoid salutations that sound too impersonal or too general, like Dear Sir or Dear Sir/Madam or To
Whom It May Concern. The salutation should begin… Dear Mr., Ms., or Dr., followed by the person’s last
If you are mailing your letter, don't forget to include a handwritten signature.
William J. Anybody
Mailing Address
Telephone Number and E-Mail Address
Name of Contact, Title
City, State, Zip Code
Dear (Mr./Ms.) (Last Name of Contact):
I am writing to express my interest in exploring career opportunities in (Area of Interest, Job
Function, Name of Department) with (Name of Company).
I will be graduating in (Month and Year) from Birmingham-Southern College with a Bachelor of
Science degree in (Major Concentration). I have comprehensive training in and a thorough
academic knowledge of (Coursework, Curriculum, Academic Focus). I have extensive
experience in (Job Functions, Specific Industry, Area of Specialty). I possess strong (Relevant
Skills and Competencies) skills and excellent (Relevant Skills and Competencies) abilities.
I would like to meet with you at your convenience to learn more about (Name of Company) and
opportunities in (Area of Interest, Job Function, Name of Department). I will contact you next
week. Thank you for your consideration.
Your Signature
Your Name
Tom T. Tuttle
123 Main Street, Birmingham, Alabama 35123
(205) 123-4567 [email protected]
March 19, 2012
Alan W. Smith
Director of Marketing Department
Superior Products Company
123 Downtown Avenue
Birmingham, Alabama 35555
Dear Mr. Smith:
I am writing to express my interest in exploring career opportunities in marketing with Superior
Products Company.
I will be graduating in May 2012 from Birmingham-Southern College with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Business Administration. I have comprehensive training in and a thorough academic
knowledge of marketing principles, brand management, advertising and promotions, market
research, consumer behavior, and professional sales. I have extensive experience in sales,
event planning, public relations, and customer service. I possess strong planning and
organizational abilities and excellent administrative and interpersonal skills.
I would like to meet with you at your convenience to learn more about Superior Products
Company and opportunities in marketing. I will contact you next week. Thank you for your
Tom T. Tuttle
Tom. T. Tuttle
Alice B. Wonder
123 Main Street, Birmingham, Alabama 35123
(205) 123-4567 [email protected]
March 22, 2013
Judy R. Thomas
Managing Editor
Deep South Magazine
123 Downtown Avenue
Birmingham, Alabama 35555
Dear Ms. Thomas:
I am writing to express my interest in exploring career opportunities in journalism with Deep
South Magazine.
I will be graduating in May 2013 from Birmingham-Southern College with a Bachelor of Arts
degree in English. I have comprehensive training in and a thorough academic knowledge of
English language, literature, and grammar. I have extensive experience in writing, editing, and
researching. I possess strong creative abilities and excellent writing and editing skills. I have
strong research and information gathering skills.
I would like to meet with you at your convenience to learn more about Deep South Magazine
and opportunities in journalism. I will contact you next week. Thank you for your consideration.
Alice B. Wonder
Alice B. Wonder
Linda Q. Friendly
123 Main Street, Birmingham, Alabama 35123
(205) 123-4567 [email protected]
March 15, 2012
Bobby K. Jones
Director of Oncology
St. Vincent’s Hospital
123 Downtown Avenue
Birmingham, Alabama 35555
Dear Dr. Jones:
I am writing to express my interest in exploring career opportunities in health care with St.
Vincent’s Hospital.
I will be graduating in May 2012 from Birmingham-Southern College with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Biology. I have comprehensive training in and a thorough academic knowledge of
biology, chemistry, and health-related concepts. I have extensive medical, research, and
community service experience. I possess strong science and research abilities and excellent
technical and analytical skills.
I would like to meet with you at your convenience to learn more about St. Vincent’s Hospital and
opportunities in health care. I will contact you next week. Thank you for your consideration.
Linda Q. Friendly
Linda Q. Friendly
David L. Stellar
123 Main Street, Birmingham, Alabama 35123
(205) 123-4567 [email protected]
March 10, 2013
Sally W. King
Director of Events
Acme Public Relations Firm
123 Downtown Avenue
Birmingham, Alabama 35555
Dear Ms. King:
I am writing to express my interest in exploring career opportunities in public relations and event
planning with Acme Public Relations Firm.
I will be graduating in May 2013 from Birmingham-Southern College with a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Psychology. I have comprehensive training in and a thorough academic knowledge of
psychological concepts and principles of human behavior. I have extensive managerial,
administrative, fund raising, customer service, and event planning experience. I possess strong
planning and organizing abilities and excellent interpersonal communication skills.
I would like to meet with you at your convenience to learn more about Acme Public Relations
Firm and opportunities in public relations and event planning. I will contact you next week.
Thank you for your consideration.
David L. Stellar
David L. Stellar