Fillable Printable Sample of an Education Resume
Fillable Printable Sample of an Education Resume

Sample of an Education Resume

Resume Writing
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Date of Correspondence
Name of Individual
Name of company/organization
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (Last Name):
Do not address to "To whom it may concern."
Tell why you are writing. Name the position, field or general area in which you are interested. Tell
how you found out about the position. Tell why you want to work for this company. Check the
company web site and mention something about the company that interests you.
Describe your professional/educational qualifications, but do not restate your resume. Cite one or
two areas of qualification experience, which specifically qualify you for the position. Emphasize
particular areas of related experience and training. Stress why you are unique, special and the
perfect person for the position. If you claim to have certain skills, back these up with examples as
proof. Tell about a professional or personal accomplishment and the skills you gained or
Close by noting that you have enclosed a copy of your resume and that you will provide any
additional information requested. Note that you will look forward to a future response and that you
would like to schedule an interview. Include your telephone number.
Sample Cover Letter Utilizing Statement of Reference
123 Accounts Payable Lane
Moneyville, NJ 08029
February 28, 201x
Coopers & Lybrand
2400 Eleven Penn Center
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Attn: Mr. Daniel Spiller
Personnel Director
Dear Mr. Spiller:
After talking with Mr. James Osgood at the recent Rowan University Career Fair, reading your
recruitment information and checking your web site, I am seeking an opportunity to join the firm of
Coopers & Lybrand. Your company has an impressive track record for mentoring entry-level
accountants plus offering valuable experience in auditing, tax compliance and cost accounting. As
a Rowan University senior, anticipating graduation in May, I am anxious to interview with you
during your upcoming recruitment trip to our campus.
My strong academic performance and outstanding internship experience make me a strong
candidate for a junior accountant position with Coopers and Lybrand. As an honor student and
recipient of the Medallion Scholar Award for the internationally accredited College of Business, I
was chosen to intern for the local public accounting firm of Money and Associates CPA. At Money
and Associates, I assisted with the preparation of clients for corporate tax audits and performed
intake consultations for tax preparation purposes. My supervising accountant, Mr. Charles Money
invited me to continue my internship for a second semester. On my internship evaluation form he
wrote, "John's knowledge and ability to grasp accounting procedures and principles is quite
impressive. His computer skills and team-working abilities make him a valuable resource. I believe
John will develop into a top-notch accountant."
Enclosed is a copy of my resume, which outlines my qualifications in further detail. I look forward
to an opportunity to meet with you during the upcoming recruitment week at Rowan University. I
can be reached at 856-863-9547. Thank you for your time and consideration.
John Q. Afterinternship
Sample of Cover Letter
Dawn Lowell
322 Mullica Hill Road
Glassboro, NJ 08028
February 12, 201x
Mr. Dwight Thompson
Human Resources Manager
Savitz Pharmaceuticals
856 Bozorth Parkway
Esby, NJ 08028
Dear Mr. Thompson:
In response to your advertisement in the Glassboro Examiner for a sales representative for Savitz
Pharmaceuticals, I hereby submit my letter of application. I was excited to read your ad since I
have had a long-time interest in pharmaceutical sales and your products sound particularly
appealing to me.
As a college student, I had the opportunity to experience in sales and customer service. Of
particular interest to you, I worked at Glassboro Medical Supply serving customers who enter our
store. Through reading professional periodicals and magazines that are sent to me as an
employee of Glassboro Medical Supply, I have become knowledgeable of the different types of
medical supplies. This knowledge enables me to fully address our customers’ medical supply
needs and answer their questions. Utilizing my proactive approach to sales and customer service,
I increased sales this year by 20% over last year’s figures. In light of my accomplishment, my
supervisor has given me the responsibility of developing a plan to market medical supplies to local
drug stores. In addition to my work experience, I recently completed a course in
drug/pharmacology terminology at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Completion of
this course increased my knowledge of medicines and their effects.
I have always had a strong interest in the medical/pharmaceutical sales field and have attempted
to gain the knowledge and experience needed to work effectively in that capacity. With that in
mind, I feel I am highly qualified for the position of sales representative for Savitz Pharmaceuticals.
My enclosed resume outlines my qualifications in further detail. I welcome an opportunity to meet
with you at your convenience. I can be reached at 856-256-4322 or on my cell phone at 856- 222-
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Dawn Lowell
Resume Checklist
General Resume Guidelines.
Professional Appearance
Material fits neatly on one page. Margins approximately 1 inch on all four sides. High quality
print in black ink.
White or neutral colored paper, 8.5 x 11 inches, 20lb weight. No staples or folds.
Plain font with straight lines, such as Helvetica. Font size 10-14 points.
Bold and capital letters used where appropriate for emphasis, but not overdone.
No italics, script, parentheses, brackets, underlining, shading or graphics.
Avoid use of unnecessary punctuation, horizontal or vertical lines.
Name, address, telephone, and e-mail address centered at top, with name in bold and larger
Omit extraneous and personal information such as height, weight, age, sex.
Use format that best suits your needs. Reverse chronological format, listing education and
experience from most recent to least recent, is most commonly used.
Objective clearly stating position being sought, usually beginning with “To obtain a position
as….” or “Seeking an entry level position in…”
Education category including any college/university from which a degree was earned. GPA,
expressed in tenths, may be included if 3.0 or above. Examples in correct format:
Bachelor of Arts, History May 200x Bachelor of Science, Finance expected May 200x
Minor: Psychology Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ GPA 3.9, Dean’s List, Medallion Award
GPA 3.4, Dean’s List Summa Cum Laude Honors anticipated
Experience category including several entries in consistent format:
Job Title Dates of employment
Company, City, State
Descriptive statements of experience
Job descriptions/accomplishments written in 1-5 bulleted statements or brief paragraph
format, reading in the first person, with pronouns “I” and “my” omitted. Use a variety of
action verbs and keyword nouns specific to the major/profession, often the same words used
in typical job postings for such position.
Descriptive statements highlighting skills and abilities, as well as experience and
accomplishments. Show evidence of teamwork, computer proficiency, attention to detail,
customer satisfaction, willingness to learn new skills, ability to produce results, and your
enthusiasm/work ethic. Supply enough description to create reader interest but not to
Finished product should be a unique statement about you. It must be professional looking,
error free, with consistent verb tense and end punctuation. Do NOT rely on computer spell
check, grammar check, or resume writing software for your final resume.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Home Address: ____________________ College Address: _____________________
Street: ___________________________ Street: ______________________________
City: _________State: ____ Zip: _______ City: ___________State: ____ Zip: _______
Phone: ___________________________ Phone: _____________________________
Email: ____________________________
Job Objective (Indicate your work direction; be as specific as possible.)
Name of College: ______________________________ City: ___________ State: ____________
Degree: _____________________________ Expected Graduation Date: ___________________
GPA: _____________ (If 3.0 or higher)
Course Highlights (Use primarily in resumes for internships.)
Work Experience (Start with most recent place of employment.)
Job Title: ______________________________________ Period Employed: _____________
Name of Company, City, State ____________________________________________________
Responsibilities: (Use action words.) _______________________________________________
Skills (EXAMPLE: computer, leadership, language skills)
Activities & Interests
References available upon request.
Sample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological
order within appropriate categories.
Gomez Addams
1313 Mockingbird Lane
Mantua, NJ 08028
An entry-level position in public relations or marketing.
Bachelor of Arts, Public Relations
Concentration: Leadership Studies May 201x
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
GPA 3.6, Dean’s List, Cum Laude honors anticipated
PageMaker PowerPoint WordPerfect
Microsoft Photo Editor Microsoft Publisher Excel
Harvard Graphics Access Microsoft Word
Congressional District Intern Spring 201x
Congressman Charles Sheen, Washington, DC
Responsibilities included researching legislation, drafting recommendations and briefs.
Responded to constituent correspondence and inquiries, as well as aiding in office
Correspondent Fall 200x
Rolling Stone Magazine, Pitman, NJ
Covered local music and political events under commission for monthly publication.
Maintained valuable media contacts.
Marketing Intern Spring 200x
Glassboro Convention Center, Glassboro, NJ
Developed and implemented marketing program for the convention center.
Coordinated on-site conference registration.
Assisted presenters during multimedia presentations.
Prepared and disseminated over 6,000 registration packets.
Vice President, Public Relations Society, Rowan University Chapter
Secretary, American Marketing Association, Rowan University Student Chapter
Volunteer, Glassboro Soup Kitchen
Available upon request.
Sample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological
order within appropriate categories.
Jessica Laptop
1313 Microchip Lane
West Deptford, NJ 08028
OBJECTIVE Seeking a summer internship in the field of computer science.
EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Computer Science anticipated December 201x
Minor: Mathematics
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
GPA 3.45, Dean’s List
COURSES Introduction to Programming, Computer Laboratory Techniques, Data
Structures, Calculus I, II, and III, Operating Systems, Web Programming
EXPERIENCE Lab Instructor Summer 201x
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Instructed freshman students in the use of microcomputers.
Assisted faculty in establishing research goals consistent with
the data available.
Taught resident assistants the detailed use of technical
Lab Technician 200x-200x
Pitman High School, Pitman, NJ
Developed a database for the school’s athletic department.
Identified specific applications for a newly written program.
Student Worker 200x-200x
Rowan University Information Desk, Glassboro, NJ
Processed and balanced payments in Compco Student
Telephone billing system.
Assigned long distance codes to Rowan students and
answered the university switchboard.
HONORS Dean’s List
Alpha Lambda Delta Honorary Society
Don Serious Scholarship
ACTIVITIES Member, Computer Science Society
Volunteer, Glassboro Soup Kitchen
Vice President, Me Phi Me Sorority
Intramural Sports – Basketball, Street Hockey
REFERENCES Available upon request.
Sample of a Chronological Resume – list education and experience in reverse
chronological order within appropriate categories.
Marshall Law
Current address: Permanent address:
369 Mansion Park 2115 Herbert Drive
Glassboro, NJ 08028 Willingboro, NJ 08046
856-256-3372 609-835-2028
To obtain an internship position in law and criminal justice, utilizing and developing
particular interest in juvenile delinquency.
Bachelor of Arts: Law/Justice anticipated May 201x
Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
GPA 3.2/4.0, Dean’s List
Related Courses
Parole, Probation and Community Correction Social Problems
Minorities, Crime, and Criminal Justice American Police
Introduction to Courts Introduction to Corrections
Youth Advocate June 200x - present
Youth Advocate Program, Woodbury, NJ
Provide mentoring to teenage males, based on total trust, encouraging
development of self-esteem and self-control.
Motivate youth to pursue productive life activities, including employment and
educational opportunities.
Visit library and attend various community activities with mentees to broaden
awareness of community resources.
Security Officer November 200x - present
Deptford Mall, Deptford, NJ
Conduct surveillance for shoplifters in all stores throughout mall.
Work collaboratively with senior security officers and store managers regarding
matters of customer safety and merchandise security.
Provide accurate written reports regarding security-related issues and encounters.
Provide information to senior officers and store employees regarding suspicious or
disruptive behavior of mall patrons.
Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach November 200x - March 200x
Memorial Junior High School, Willingboro, NJ
Assisted during practices and games, providing instruction and motivation related
to basketball, academics, and life values.
Monitored academic eligibility and medical records plus uniform and equipment
Recruited and trained scorekeepers for all season games.
Created computerized report of all team and player statistics.
Additional Information
American Criminal Justice Association, Lamda Epsilon Fraternity
Computer skills include Excel, Word Perfect, Access and PowerPoint
Certified New Jersey Fire Fighter with Hazmat Certification
American Heart Association Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care
Provider, CPR Certified
Sample of a Chronological Resume – list education and experiences in reverse
chronological order within appropriate categories.
Veronica Lewinski
21 Jump Street
Glassboro, NJ 08028
OBJECTIVE Seeking an entry-level position in environmental management.
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering May 201x
Emphasis: Environmental Engineering
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
GPA 3.77, Dean’s List
Magna Cum Laude honors anticipated
Undergraduate Researcher April 201x – present
Rowan University College of Engineering, Glassboro, NJ
Contributed to the design and testing of a freshwater chamber
intended to replace methods currently used by the seafood industry
to separate crabmeat from claw. Provide chemical analysis of
resulting wastewater.
Engineering Intern Summer 200x
New Jersey Highway Division, Trenton, NJ
Worked with highway engineers on traffic pattern study and
analysis. Conducted research in current traffic management theory
and technology. Prepared written reports for presentations to chief
engineer. Assisted with the planning and preparation for public
hearings on proposed change in traffic flow.
AutoCAD, Visual C++, Mathematica, PowerC, Windows 98, Unix,
Windows NT, MiniTab, MS Word & Excel 98
Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society
Society of Women Engineers
Pride 2000 Scholarship
Brad Pitt Engineering Scholarship
Volunteer, Glassboro Big Sister Program
President, Student Government Association
REFERENCES Available upon request.
Sample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological
order within appropriate categories.
Jane C. Asylum
321 Writearesume Lane
Wantstowork, New Jersey 08777
OBJECTIVE To obtain an entry-level position in social work utilizing my abilities in Spanish.
EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, Sociology December 201x
Minor: Spanish
Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
GPA: 3.7, Dean’s List, Magna Cum Laude
Financed 100% of college education
COURSE Social Problems, Human Service Organizations, Sociology of Work,
HIGHLIGHTS Introduction to Sociology, Intermediate Spanish I & II, Advanced Spanish
Conversation, Advanced Spanish Grammar
INTERNSHIP Program Coordinator Spring 201x
Camden City Battered Women’s Shelter, Camden, New Jersey
Conducted intake interviews and served as translator assistant.
Coordinated after school programs for enrolled children and managed
recreational facility. Encouraged fair play, self-reliance and positive self-
esteem in children with troubled family backgrounds.
SPECIAL Bilingual: Spanish/English
SKILLS Communication Skills: Written and Verbal
ACTIVITIES Volunteer Translator, Camden County Aids Hospice
Member, Latino Affairs Committee, Rowan University
Member, National Association of Black Social Workers
COMPUTER Lotus 1-2-3, Windows, WordPerfect 6.0, EXCEL, Quicken, DOS, Ventura,
SKILLS Desktop Publishing, Internet
HONORS Glassboro Businessmen’s Association Scholarship, 2008
National Merit Scholar, 2008
WORK HISTORY Night Assistant Manager May 200x – December 201x
Burgerqueen, Glassboro, New Jersey
Supervised employees, coordinated work schedules and managed customer
complaints. Processed bank deposits and resolved employee disputes.
References available upon request.
Sample of a Functional Resume – list education and employment in reverse chronological
order within appropriate categories.
John Engineer
1776 Smart Blvd
Brainville, NJ 08007
OBJECTIVE: Research Associate position with a biotechnology firm.
Skilled in all phases of hybridoma production.
Inspired by the challenge of research and experimentation.
Good working knowledge of immunology.
Excellent skills in communication and collaboration.
Highly inquisitive, creative and resourceful.
Applied Research
Tailored screening strategies using ELISA, RIA and Immunoblot techniques to effectively
isolate the desired hybridomas.
Performed experiments to induce animal immune systems to respond to a weak antigen.
Developed in collaboration with other researchers, a novel assay which identified the
antibodies’ ability to bind to live, intact tumor cells.
Conducted periodic presentations of results and works in progress to Research Center staff.
Laboratory Skills
Tissue Culture and Hamster Egg Penetration Test
Electroblotting and Radiolabeling of Antibodies
Immunoblot Strip Assay
Lab Technician Bellmarr Research Center, Bellmarr, NJ 201x - present
Research Assistant Rowan University Biology Department, Glassboro, NJ 200x – 200x
Youth Counselor Vineland Day Care Program, Vineland, NJ Summer 200x
Teaching Assistant Buena Vista Normal School, Buena, NJ 200x – 200x
Bachelor of Science, Biology Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ May 200x
Associate of Science, Chemistry Gloucester County College, Sewell, NJ May 200x
Related Courses: Immunology and Lab, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Virology, Ornithology, Cell
Culture Technology
Dean’s List
Albert Einstein Scholarship
Member, American Association of Biologists
Volunteer, Dumbville Ambulance Service
REFERENCES: Available upon request.
Sample of a Chronological Resume – list education and experience in reverse
chronological order within appropriate categories.
Arthur B. Enthusiastic
290 Birchwood Lane
Mantua, New Jersey, 08051
Job Target
A position as an Art Educator within a museum’s public outreach program, utilizing recent degree
plus experience in public relations and art education.
Develop art education programs.
Write press releases and promotional copies.
Coordinate efforts with local schools.
Organize related events with speakers and presentations.
Utilize a variety of computer skills.
Bachelor of Arts: Art December 201x
Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
GPA 3.7, Dean’s List
Magna Cum Laude honors anticipated
Associate of Arts: Art May 200x
Gloucester County College, Sewell, New Jersey
GPA 3.9, Dean’s List, President’s List
Summa Cum Laude
Co-developed Art in Public Places program.
Placed several articles in local newspapers.
Conducted Murals in Public Places project for Eagle Scout Award.
Work History
Office Assistant January 200x-present
The Association of Educational Publishers
Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
Assist in the coordination of annual conferences plus related office duties.
Work extensively on Macintosh using Word, Works, Excel, File Maker Pro, including data
entry, report generation, plus brochure and poster design.
Arts and Crafts Instructor Summer 200x
Kids Rule Day Camp
Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
Conducted wide variety of hands-on projects for 120 campers per week, divided into groups
of 20 campers ages 6 to 12 years.
Worked collaboratively with camp counselors to provide enriching activities relating to
different themes each week.
Tour Guide Summer 200x
Hampton House
Hampton, New Jersey
Conducted tours of historic home, while providing visitors with related information.
References available upon request.
Sample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological
order within appropriate categories.
123 Main Road
Anywhere, NJ 01234
An entry- level accounting position with potential for advancement.
Computer literate, experience includes Word 6.0, Excel and database management.
Excellent organizational and communication skills.
Fluent in Japanese and Spanish.
Sharp in learning and comprehending new systems and methods.
Bachelor of Science, Accounting expected Dec. 201x
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Dean’s List
Completed independent study in International Business
Associate of Arts and Science, Business Studies May 200x
Gloucester Community College, Sewell, NJ
Managerial Accounting, Auditing, Cost Accounting, Advanced Accounting,
Individual Taxation, Accounting Information Systems
TEACHING ASSISTANT August 201x - Present
Glassboro Community College, Pitman, NJ
Assist professor with Urban Enterprise Zone research project.
Tutor students in accounting, maintain class records, and correct papers.
BOOKKEEPER Summer 2008, 2009
Laurel Museum, Mullica Hill, NJ
Verified and entered details of financial transactions into computer system.
Balanced books and compiled statistical reports.
Calculated general ledger and employee wages.
Old Navy, Clayton, NJ
Performed sales duties while coordinating store displays and floor moves.
Available Upon Request
Sample of a Combination Resume – list education and employment in reverse
chronological order within appropriate categories.
Abigail B. Gettingajob
225 Salary Survey Lane
Medford, NJ 08092
OBJECTIVE: To obtain an entry-level business management position.
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science, Business Administration May 201x
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Specialization: Management
GPA: 3.5, Dean’s List, Cum Laude
COURSE Organizational Behavior, Integrated Software for Business, Management
HIGHLIGHTS: Information Systems, Operations Management, Management of Human
Resources, Legal Environment of Business, Organizational Behavior
Exercised total supervisory responsibility for specialty retail merchandiser.
Maintained time sheets.
Managed and coordinated special promotions.
Implemented employee disciplinary and termination procedures.
Maintained loss prevention reports.
Supervised merchandise displays.
Human Resources Administration
Coordinated trip reduction survey results.
Conducted staffing interviews.
Managed accident reports.
Assisted in devising personnel policies.
Assisted in the implementation of employee orientation.
Contributing reporter for company newsletter.
Maintained employee benefits database.
Management Intern Tyco Toys, Marlton, NJ 201x - Present
Assistant Manager The GAP, Marlton, NJ 200x – 201x
COMPUTER Microsoft Office, Internet, Excel, DOS.
PROFESSIONAL Society of Human Resource Management, Rowan University Student
ASSOCIATIONS: Chapter, Vice President; Career Fair Chairperson;
Tri-State Human Resource Management Association, Member.
ACTIVITIES: Pi Sigma Alpha, Secretary;
American Red Cross, Volunteer.
Sample of an Education Resume – list education and experience in reverse chronological
order within appropriate categories.
Wanda Teacher
12 Wantajob Lane
Lindenwold, NJ 08091
Seeking an elementary education teaching position in southern New Jersey.
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education / History May 201x
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
GPA – 3.9, Summa Cum Laude anticipated, Dean’s List
Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing anticipated
Associate in Arts, Early Childhood Education May 201x
Burlington County College, Pemberton, NJ
GPA – 3.5
Student Teacher, School #4, Maple Shade, NJ Spring 201x
Taught 4
grade students using manipulatives and multi-sensory approaches in mathematics and
science lessons. Utilized cooperative learning, assertive discipline and whole language
approaches. Integrated curriculum to meet the needs of three inclusion students.
Practicum Teacher, Fleetwood School, Mount Laurel, NJ Fall 200x
Assisted classroom teacher with individual needs of students. Served as a volunteer aide during
semester break. Co-directed musical production of “Alice in Wonderland”; constructed scenery
and costumes.
Math Tutor, 1
Grade Fall 201x - Present
Tutored grade school students in math. Designed and created a “Math for Fun” workbook.
Substitute Teacher, Certified K – 12, Burlington County, NJ Fall 200x
Responsible for several long-term substitute positions, including organization and implementation
of lesson plans, correcting papers and recording grades.
Religious Education Teacher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sewell, NJ Spring 201x - Present
Responsible for implementing curriculum to 3
grade students in preparation for their first Holy
Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society
James M. Lynch, Jr. Scholarship Award – $1,000.00
Student Member, New Jersey Education Association
Panelist, New Jersey Association of Teacher Educators
Sales Person, Rainbow Shop, Burlington Center, Burlington, NJ August 200x - Present
Presently on call as mascot – The Rainbow Bear