Fillable Printable Deed of Executor's - New Jersey
Fillable Printable Deed of Executor's - New Jersey

Deed of Executor's - New Jersey

Deed- Executor's- (Covenant as to Grantor's Acts)
epared by: (print signer’s name below signatur e)
This Deed is made on ______________ ____________________
Executor under the Last Will and Testament of ___________________,
whose address is: , ,
referred to as the
whose address is: , ,
referred to as the Grantee.
The words “Grantor” and “Grantee” shall mean all Grantors and all Grantees listed above.
GRANTOR. The Grantor makes this Deed as the Personal Representative of the Estate of
_______________________________late of the ________________ of _____________________,
County of ___________________ and State of _________________________.
Transfer of Ownership. The Grantor grants and conveys (transfers ownership of) the property described
below to the Grantee. This transfer is made for the sum of $__________________________________
The Grantor acknowledges receipt of this money.
Tax Map Reference. (N.J.S.A. 46:15-2.1) Municipality of ________________________,
Account No. _________________ _______________________
No property tax identification number is available on the date of this deed. (Check box if appli cabl e).
Property. The property consists of the land and all the buildings and structures on the land in the
_______________ of _________________, County of ______________, State of _________________.
The legal description is:
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Deed- Executor's- (Covenant as to Grantor's Acts)
ises by the Grantor. The Grantor promises that Grantor has done no act to encu mber the prop erty. This
promise is called a “covenant as to the grantor’s acts” (N.J.S .A . 46:4-6). This promise means that the Grantor has
not allowed anyone else to obtain any legal rights, which affect the property (such as by making a mortgage or
allowing a judgment to be entered against the Grantor).
Signatures. The Grantor signs this Deed as of date at the top of the first page. If the Grantor is a corporation,
this Deed is signed and attested by its proper corporate officers and its corporate seal is affixed.
Witnessed or Attested by: ____________________________(SEAL)
__________________________________ ____________________________(SEAL)
STATE OF _________, COUNTY OF______________ SS:
I CERTIFY that on ______________. ________ ___________________________________________
personally came before me and acknowledged under oath, to my satisfaction, that this person (or if more
than one, each person):
(a) is named in and personally signed this Deed.
(b) signed, sealed and delivered this Deed as his or her act and deed; and
(c) made this De ed for $_________________________as full and actual consideration paid or to be
paid for the transfer of title. (Such consideration is defined in N.J.S.A. 46:15-5.)
(Print name and title below signature)
STATE OF ______________________, COUNTY OF __________________ SS:
I CERTIFY that on ____________. __________ ____________________________________
personally came before me and this person acknowledged under oath, to my satisfaction that:
(a) this person is _______________________ ________________________________ the secretary of the
corporation named in this Deed;
(b) this person is the attesting witness to the signin g of this Deed by the proper corporate officer who is
_____________________________________________________ the President of the corporation;
(c) this Deed was signed and delivered by the corporation as its voluntary act duly authorized by a proper
resolution of its Boar d of Directors;
(d) this person knows the proper seal of the corporation which was affixed to this Deed;
(e) this person signed this proof to attest to the truth of these facts; and
(f) the full and actual consideration paid or to be paid for the transfer of title is $____________________.
Signed and swo rn before me on ________________________________________.
(Print name of attesting witness below signature)
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Deed- Executor's- (Covenant as to Grantor's Acts)
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