Fillable Printable Delivery Receipt - United States Postal Service
Fillable Printable Delivery Receipt - United States Postal Service

Delivery Receipt - United States Postal Service

Delivery Receipt
I the undersigned………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
S/o Shri……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Have taken the delivery of Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle Regd. No………………………………………
Bearing Chassis No……………………………… Engine No…………………………… Make……………………
Colour…………………… From Shri ……………………………… Regd. Owner ……………………………………
C/o …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
For my personal use complete in all respects with registration documents. I shall be fully
legally responsible for its maintenance, accident, Road-Tax, Police Challan after taking the
deliver and also for its miss use of any kind. I have checked up the vehicle thoroughly and I
am fully satisfied. As per motor transport rules, I hereby promise that, I shall get the
vehicle transferred in my name within 15 days of purchase. The vehicle is bought on as is
where is basis. I further confirm that I have paid full & final payment to the owner against
the purchase of above said vehicle. I shall be fully responsible for any kind of declaration
problems in future.
Place…………………… Date……………… Time………………. a.m./ p.m.
Given delivery of above said vehicle against full & final payment.
Dealer’s Signature
Seller’s Signature
Driving Licence No…………………….
Buyer’s Signature
Driving Licence No………………………….
Purchaser’ Photo