Fillable Printable Departmental Orientation Checklist - Virginia
Fillable Printable Departmental Orientation Checklist - Virginia

Departmental Orientation Checklist - Virginia

Employee’s Full Name:_______________________________ Employee #:___________________________
Department:_________________________________ Department Contact:___________________________
Date of Hire:_________________________________ Phone:______________________________________
This checklist is designed to assist hiring departments and new employees with departmental orientation. Departmental
representatives need to discuss the items below with new hires, then sign and date the back of this form to indicate
completion. The completed form should be placed in the employee’s departmental file.
Via Telephone with New Employee
(Prior to first day of employment)
Confirm first day/work hours
Discuss dress code/uniform distribution
Discuss payroll frequency, overtime pay (straight pay and time and one half rate)
Discuss parking arrangements; provide directions to Dept. of Parking and Transportation
Emphasize the importance of benefits/payroll appointment
Obtain emergency contact phone numbers
Complete Section 1 of I-9 (online)
Department Arrangements
(Prior to first day of employment)
Introduce new employee by e-mail or letter
Select current employee to assist new employee; inform current employee of expectations
Assign 1st day/1st week checklist activities to appropriate staff
Provide workspace and necessary office equipment/supplies
Prepare department orientation agenda
Inform department computer support team of new hire; request assistance creating accounts,
registering for email, etc.
1st Day/1st Week
Supervisor to greet new employee at start of first day
Introduce new employee to current employee who was assigned to assist
Accompany new employee to his/her office
Review computer set up, log on, e-mail, data security and Responsible Computing Handbook
Review phone number and phone system training, FAC (Forced Access Code), phone mail as
Discuss/distribute office supplies, UVA directory, Charlottesville directory, name plate, etc.
Tour office/department (restrooms, break room, introduce to internal/external staff,
identification/access card, and/or appropriate keys)
Discuss communication opportunities - staff meetings, department meetings, newsletters, etc.
Provide brief history of department
Provide departmental/university organizational charts

1st Day/1st Week
Complete Section 2 of I-9 (online)
Brief discussion of employee’s role in department/University (also discuss department’s and
University’s mission)
Provide up-to-date written position description (job duties/scope, essential/non-essential
employees) and performance expectations
Discuss Performance Planning and Evaluation (Lead @) process (general overview)
Discuss recording leave (Self Service Time and Leave -SSTL)
Discuss/provide reference for leave policies
Discuss holiday schedule and process for requesting leave
Discuss lunch/break periods
Discuss training/educational opportunities/recommended reading
Discuss tuition waiver/reimbursement–other educational opportunities
Discuss UTS (University Transit Service) - have bus schedule available in department
Discuss safety and security/emergency conditions and response, such as:
a. Fire, disaster preparedness, emergency/ bomb threat procedures
b. Accident injury procedures
c. Emergency blue phones on Grounds (Dial 9+911)
d. Inclement weather policy
e. Universal precautions and HAZMAT (if applicable)
Discuss WorkMed’s services (refer to:
Approximately 3 Months From Hire Date
Consider conducting 3- Month Performance Evaluation (recommended)
Discuss comprehension of job responsibilities
Discuss professional development opportunities
Department-Specific Requirements/Notes - to be customized by each department
Completion of Checklist: (Both new employee and departmental representative must sign below indicating checklist
information has been completed in full).
Signature Date
Department Representative:___________________________________________________________________________
Signature Date
Updated: 8-9-11