Fillable Printable Direct Deposit Form - Colorado
Fillable Printable Direct Deposit Form - Colorado

Direct Deposit Form - Colorado

Direct Deposit Form
Provide this completed form to your Payroll Department or Government Agency to activate Direct
Deposit/Payroll Deduction into your Colorado Credit Union (CCU) accou nt.
Direct Deposit / Payroll Deduction Request Form
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Social Security Number: _______________________________________________________
Send to Colorado Credit Union (Routing & Transit Number / ABA Number) : 302075267
CCU Account Number: _______________________________________________________
Account Type: Please check only one
Checking _____________ Savings_______________
Start Date: (if other than as soon as po ssi ble)
Total Amount of Deposit: Please select only one
$_________________ or Net Check ____________
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________