Fillable Printable Direct Deposit Form - West Virginia
Fillable Printable Direct Deposit Form - West Virginia

Direct Deposit Form - West Virginia

How does direct deposit work and how will I know I have been paid?
There will still be a record with direct deposit. Your bank will provide you with a record of
deposits in your account. Many banks also have phone and/or web based information about
account deposits.
How will direct deposit help me?
With direct deposit you can choose the financial institution that best meets your needs. You
can select the type of account and the institution with ATM locations that is most convenient
for you. If you do not choose direct deposit your cash benefits will be deposited in an EBT
cash account for you and you will use your EBT card to spend your cash benefits.
What happens if there is a problem at my bank or if I change my bank?
Contact the West Virginia State Auditor's Office at 304-558-2251 or 800-500-4079. The
problem will be researched and corrected immediately upon determination of the error. To
change your account information you must submit a new Direct Deposit Form. All change
requests must be received by the WV State Auditor's Office at least six business days before
the date of your payment. Do not close your old account until you have received your cash
benefit in the new account. This will help prevent a delay in the receipt of your cash
However, if something happens that your bank account is closed or your benefits can't be
direct deposited, they will be delivered to an EBT card cash account.
How can I start direct deposit of my cash benefits?
Complete the WV Works Direct Deposit Form and mail it along with a voided check to the
WV State Auditor's Office.
How do I stop direct deposit?
Contact the WV State Auditor's Office at 800-500-4079 or 304-558-2251. To prevent a
delay in the receipt of your cash benefits do not close your account until your direct deposit
has been cancelled by the WV State Auditor's Office.

WV Works Direct Deposit Form
First Name:
Social Security #:
Address 2:
Address 1:
Telephone #:
Zip Code:State:City:
Bank Name:
Savings - Attach a letter from the bank or a bank statement.
Checking - Attach a voided check.
CancelChangeStart Direct Deposit
For information regarding your direct deposit setup, please contact the ePayments Division at 800-500-4079. For
information regarding your payment please contact your local DHHR office.
Please return to:
West Virginia State Auditor's Office/ ePayments Division
1900 Kanawha Blvd E, Bldg 1, Rm W-121
Charleston, WV 25305
Fax #: 304-340-5084
Please list the name & social security number of the person receiving cash benefits. If you are receiving cash benefits
for a minor child, please list the parent's or legal guardian's information.
Last Name:
Please select one:
Please select one:
Pursuant to Section 7 of the Privacy Act of 1974, the disclosure of your Social Security Number is mandatory. Social Security Numbers are necessary to properly
maintain records concerning your direct deposit payments as is required and authorized by the federal government for tax administration purposes. See generally, 42
U.S.C. ยง 405(c). Failure to provide a Social Security Number will prevent us from processing your direct deposit request.
I hereby authorize the State of West Virginia, hereinafter called STATE, to initiate credit entries as indicated on the form above
for my WV Works Cash Assistance Benefits. I further authorize the State to initiate debit entries as adjustments for credit
entries made in error. This authority is to remain in full force and effect until the STATE has received written notification from
me of its termination in such time and manner as to afford the STATE a reasonable opportunity to act on it. The State will not
be responsible for any loss that may arise solely by reason of error, mistake or fraud regarding information provided on this
form. I agree to comply with any guidelines proposed by the WV Works program regarding electronic transfers as they exist
on the date of my signature on this form or as subsequently adopted, amended or repealed.