Fillable Printable Driver Training School Staff Certificate Application
Fillable Printable Driver Training School Staff Certificate Application

Driver Training School Staff Certificate Application

Driver Training School
Staff Certificate Application
This is an instruction page only, do not send this page with your application or renewal.
Initial application
A driver training school employee must apply for a staff certificate if:
• You have unsupervised contact with students.
• You enter data into the Secure Access Washington (SAW) portal on behalf of the students.
• You enter test scores into the SAW portal on behalf of your school.
A fingerprint-based background check is required for an initial application (see below).
The staff certificate is valid for one year. Allow up to six weeks for us to review your application and background check
results and send your certificate.
Staff certificate renewal
A renewal notice is mailed to the school 80 days prior to your expiration date. If you do not receive it, contact us by
email at [email protected]v or call (360) 664-6692.
• With your annual renewal, you must include a non-refundable Washington Access to Criminal History (WATCH) fee of
$12 payable to the Department of Licensing.
• If it has been five years since your last fingerprint submission, you must submit fingerprints (see below) instead of the
WATCH fee.
If no fingerprints are required, allow a minimum of three weeks for us to review your application and send your new certificate.
If fingerprints are required, allow up to six weeks to review your application and background check results and send your
new certificate.
Fingerprinting and background checks
If you are applying for a staff certificate or it has been five years since your last fingerprint submission, you must get
fingerprinted for state and national background checks. Background checks take up to six weeks to complete. If you have
questions, please call (360) 664-6692.
To get your fingerprints taken, go to to schedule an appointment at an IdentoGO location of
MorphoTrust, our electronic fingerprinting vendor. You will pay IdentoGO for taking your fingerprints and for the background
checks required for your license type. For more details go to
RCW 46.20; 46.61; 46.82; 46.82.325
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For validation only
Driver Training School
Staff Certificate Application
Use this application to apply for a staff certificate.
Send this application, any
required attachments, and the nonrefundable fee in a check or money order
payable to the Department of Licensing to:
Driver Training Schools
Business and Professions Division
Department of Licensing
PO Box 3907
Seattle, WA 98124-3907
This application is (check one):
Initial application (fingerprints required, see page 1)
Renewal – $12 WATCH background renewal fee
Five years since last fingerprint submission (fingerprints required, see page 1)
Applicant information
Name (Last, First, Middle initial) Staff certificate number (if available)
Mailing address
City State ZIP code Email
Residence address if different from mailing address
City State ZIP code
Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) (Area code) Home telephone number Washington driver license number Expiration date
Name of driving school where you will be employed School license number
Driving school street address
City State ZIP code
Answer the following
1. Do you have unsupervised contact with students? .......................................... Yes No
2. Are you authorized to enter data into the SAW portal for waivers and course completes? ............ Yes No
3. Are you authorized to enter test scores into the SAW portal on behalf of your school? .............. Yes No
Acknowledgement of privacy rights
Please make certain you review the FBI Privacy Act Statement at If you
decide to challenge the accuracy or completeness of your FBI criminal history record, you should send your challenge
to the agency that contributed the questioned information to the FBI. Alternatively, you may send your challenge directly
to the FBI. The FBI will then forward your challenge to the agency that contributed the questioned information and
request the agency to verify or correct the challenged entry. Upon receipt of an official communication from the agency,
the FBI will make any necessary changes/corrections to your record in accordance with the information supplied by that
agency. (See 28 CFR 16.30 through 16.34)
Any misrepresentation or concealed material facts will be sufficient cause for denial or suspension of your license. Any
conduct resulting in violation of the laws governing driver training schools or instructors will be just cause for revocation
or suspension of your license or other sanctions. RCW 18.235; 46.82
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date and place Signature of applicant
Date and place Signature of school owner
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Click here to START or CLEAR, then hit the TAB button
When you have completed this form, please print it out and sign here.
School owner signs here.