Fillable Printable Electronic Mail Access and Use Policy Template
Fillable Printable Electronic Mail Access and Use Policy Template

Electronic Mail Access and Use Policy Template

1 | Electronic Mail Access and Use | February 2011
Electronic Mail Access and Use
Please note this policy is mandatory and staff are required to adhere to the content
DECD staff must use electronic mail (email) resources in an appropriate and professional manner, and in
accordance with the ethical standards expected from DECD staff.
Table 1 - Document details
Publication date
February 2011
Review date
January 2014
Related legislation/applicable
section of legislation
Related policies, procedures,
guidelines, standards, frameworks
ICT Security Policy February 2011
Policy officer (position)
Manager, ICT Assurance
Policy officer (phone)
8226 4375
Policy sponsor (position)
Assistant Director, ICT Strategy & Relationships
Executive director responsible
(position and office)
Executive Director, Infrastructure
Applies to
All DECD Employees
Key words
ICT Security, electronic mail
Approved by
Executive Director, Infrastructure
Approval date
February 2011

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Table 2 - Revision record
Revision description

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Table of Contents
Policy ................................................................................................................................. 1
Electronic Mail Access and Use .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Title .....................................................................................................................................................................4
2. Purpose ...............................................................................................................................................................4
3. Scope ................................................................ ................................................................ ..................................4
4. Policy detail .........................................................................................................................................................4
5. Roles and responsibilities ....................................................................................................................................5
6. Monitoring, evaluation and review ........................................................................................................................6
7. Definitions and abbreviations ................................................................................................ ...............................6
8. Supporting documents .........................................................................................................................................6
9. References ..........................................................................................................................................................6
Appendix .................................................................................................................................................................7

4 | Electronic Mail Access and Use | February 2011
1. Title
Electronic Mail Access and Use
2. Purpose
DECD staff must use electronic mail (email) resources in an appropriate and professional manner, and in
accordance with the ethical standards expected from DECD staff. This policy must be read in
conjunction with the DECD Policy – ICT Security.
3. Scope
All DECD Employees
4. Policy detail
Staff must at all times observe copyright, and licensing laws when including copyrighted material, in their
use of DECD email facilities.
Primary Usage
Email must be primarily used for DECD related business purposes, eg. communications related to DECD
business, authorised personal development and activities related to a person’s duties.
Personal Usage
Limited non-business use of email is permitted consistent with the Code of Ethics for the South
Australian Public Sector. Personal usage, if subjected to public scrutiny, must not cause embarrassment
or concern to DECD. Refer to the DECD Guideline – Practical Guide for the use of email and the
Unacceptable Usage
DECD reputation as a professional organisation must not be jeopardised by improper use or conduct via
email. Usage that causes interference or disruption to other email users will not be tolerated.
Unacceptable usage includes, but is not limited to:
distribution of unsolicited advertising
distribution of “chain letters”
propagation of any form of malicious software (viruses, worms etc)
distribution of offensive material, including jokes or images
use causing harassment, defamation or offence to others

5 | Electronic Mail Access and Use | February 2011
activity which involves religious or political lobbying
excessive non-DECD business use
distribution for personal financial gain.
Privacy of Electronic Mail
All email transmitted, received and stored remain the property of DECD.
Access for maintenance or security investigations is permitted only with the express permission of the
Chief Information Officer, ICT Services. Such access will be limited to IT security personnel and others
specifically involved in maintenance and security investigation.
Freedom of Information Act
Requests for email contents under Freedom of Information Act must adhere to Freedom Of Information
procedures. Other requests for email contents must be referred to the mail box owner’s Manager.
Email Disclaimer
Staff must add a disclaimer to email where their expressed views are not necessarily those of DECD.
Commercial Electronic Messages
Consistent with the Spam Act, commercial electronic messages must:
only be sent with the addressee’s consent
clearly identify who is responsible for sending the message; and
allow people to opt-out from receiving future messages.
Security of email
Mailboxes within SAGEMS must not be configured to automatically forward to a private, external address
eg Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo.
Violations of this policy, depending on severity and nature, may result in reprimand, loss of email
privileges or termination of employment.
5. Roles and responsibilities
Table 2 - Roles and responsibilities
Authority/responsibility for

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6. Monitoring, evaluation and review
7. Definitions and abbreviations
Table 3 - Definitions and abbreviations
8. Supporting documents
The following whole-of-government and DECD policies and guidelines are relevant and should be read
in conjunction with this policy.
Whole of Government Policies and Guidelines
The State Government Information Privacy Principals (Cabinet Administrative Instruction 1/89)
(governing the collection, release and publishing of information)
Information Security Management Framework (ISMF)
SAGEMS Government Procedure on Auto-Forwarding Emails
Code of Ethics for the South Australian Public Sector
State Records of South Australia, Management of Email as Official Records: Policy, Guidelines and
Technical Considerations.

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Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy, Office of Federal Privacy
State and Commonwealth Acts
Public Sector Act 2009
Freedom of Information Act 1991
Copyright Act 1968
The Commonwealth Spam Act 2003
DECD Policies and Guidelines
DECD Policy – ICT Security
DECD Guideline – Practical Guide for the use of email and the Internet
9. References