Fillable Printable Sample Email Policy Template
Fillable Printable Sample Email Policy Template

Sample Email Policy Template

School Board of Levy County
The compute r syst emin your o ffice, classroom, or other areais the property of the Schoo l Board of Levy County
(SBLC) and is intended to be used for approved educational pur po s es only. You have no expectation of pri vacy with
our governmental computer s on site. You have no expectation of privacy accessin g our s erver from off-site locations.
There is no personal use of the computer incl ud ing but not limited to the followingactivities: 1) e -mail
communication that containsin the bo dy of the e-mail message itself or attachment conte nt that can be construed in
nature as terrorist, racial, sexual, ethnic, gender, or age offensive; 2) personal financial information trans mitted
through te xt o r pictorial attach ments;3)takin g your computer off the filtering proxy or attempting to bypass the
proxy set up to be in complianc e with the Chil dInternet P r otection Act; 4)attempting tohack into servers or systems
located within o ur local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), o r off sit elocations; 5) i ns talling o r loading
software on aSB LC computer without proper approval.Any questio ns on whe the r a message or Internet site
qualifies as r easonable business p urpose
sho uld be directed to the human resources department before going on-line.
1).No Exp ecta tion of Privacy:As providers of the computer equipment and ser vers.Federal and State laws give us
the rig ht to monito r your b usiness communications o n our c omp ut ers . This st at utory aut hority is based on ens uring
the appropriateness of business communications, random computer system checks and actual and i mplied consent by
the u ser 's written acknowledgment of clearly understanding this policy. The act of signing this document signifies the
user clearly u nderstands the policy and agrees to execute this policy in good faith. Additionally, the user waives any
privacy rights or claims of inad equate t rai ning (42USCS1983 &27), that SBLCshoweda deliberate indifference in
properly training the user on the proper use of the computer at work.
2) Public Records:The user of SBLCcomputers recognizes they are bou nd by state public record laws, and
documents that are created to formalize knowledge or transact business of SBLCare considered p ublic record and
are o pen t o the revi ew a nd cop yi ng o f the genera l public. This incl udes all wor k records on yo ur compute r system,
data tr a nsmitted over our server fro m on site or off-site locations and portable media such as disks, floppy disks,
CD's and any other transportable media. All records must be retained according to Chapter 119 of the Florida Public
Records Statute.
Prohibit e d Ac tivities
General Prohibitions:There absolutely can be no creation, downloading fro m another web site, linkage to another
web site,transmittalfrom your computer to a co-worker c omputer or outside c omputer infor matio n that is: 1)
har assing; 2) defamatory; 3) discriminato ry;4) profane;5) violates federal cop yright, and t r ad emark law and federal
or state trade secret laws, orviolate s o ther fed e ral and state civil or criminal statutes. It is incumbent upo n the
computer user of SBLCcomputer equipme nt to familiarize themselveswith the basics of what specific
communication trig gers sexual harassment, other harassment, copyright, trademark and other relevant computer
abuse laws. If a computer user has an uncertainty whether their behavior co uld violate a federal or state statute, they
have an affirmative o bligatio n to co ntac t their in-houseattorney or human resources department before using the
Lack of knowledge is not a defense to computer abuse or violation of la ws. Computer user waives all defenses that
theywere inadequately trained o r not clearly warned about the necessity of being educated on all federal and state
laws re garding computer abus e and cr imi nal activity. Up on s igning an acknowledgment of cle arly under s ta nding this
policy a greeme nt, the computer user recognizes a higher duty of care in using the computer because text based
messages, pictures, audio and video, and documents can reach a large audience within seconds.
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Wa ste of Computer Resources:Computer users understand there are Federal and State laws prohibiting Spam mail-
unsolicited mail or mass mail—or chain letters. The comput er user will not monopolize Internet access or negatively
affec t the bandwidth in any manner that transcends normal computer use(ie:act ions by you or students which consist
of downloading MP3’s, listening to radio programs, or watching TV broadcasts in the classroom except as used as
part of the regular instructional pr ogram of a school).
E-Mail Myths:Computer users understand that based on the architecture of the Internet or Intranet,thei r e-mail and
attachments may cross other servers before the intended receiver receives the correspondence. This means the user
realizes their message or attachment may be intercepted and the security of e-mail or the Internet is vulnera ble.
Ther efore, s endi ng confidential infor mation could be risky. Additionally, the computer us e r also rea liz e s all e-mails
must be screened before forwarding to another person or a distribution list.The co mputer user is liable for any
defamatory or haras si ng e-mail that is forwarded to a third par ty. Further, the computer user is also liable for both
opening up and forwar ding non-work related, unknown or suspicious e-mail that contain s a virus. If you are
uncerta in a bo ut t he origins o f an e-mail or attachment, don'tforward it, contact human resources or your in-house
Deleting E-Mail:W hen you press the delete key, your e-mail is not deleted. The space is marked as free space but
your e-mail is copied on another sector of your harddriveor central server. Your old e-mail can easily be retrieved
by a computer forensic specialist or other person from yo ur harddrive, server or other backup device. There is
sophisticated software that mines all your e -mail and other documents.
Anonymous E-Mail, Chat Room Discussions or Bulletin Boards:The computer is not allowed to send or forward
anonymous or pseudonymous e-mail. It is a direct violation of this policy to send or forward anonymous or
pseudonymous e-mail through a remaileror other software or decoding device. Additionally, no chat room or bulletin
board will be accessed for sending, forwarding,uploadingor downloading unless given written approval by your
supervisor or human r eso urces.Nochat room or bulletin board will ever be used as a forum for negative, offensive,
harassing, defamatory or non-busi ne ss discussi ons.
Copyright Infringement:No computer user can upload, download, transmit to another computer, print a hard copy or
any way infringe upon the exclusive rights of reproduction, distribution, adaptation, public performance and public
display of an on-line or off-line copyrighted work. N ot all wo rks o n the Internet or Intra net a re i n t he public domain.
The computer user must check with the in-house attorney or human resources if there is any uncertainty whether an
article or software is copyrighted. Additionally, it is a violation of the Digital M illenniu m Act to remove any
copyright ma nagement information (e.g. title, author na me, date of registration) There are serious civil a nd criminal
penalties for violating the Federal copyright laws and interna tional copyright treaties.
Trademark Infringement:No symbol, logo, phrase or other trademark can beuploaded,downloaded, transmitted to
another computer, used i n a web site orhyperlinkedto another web site without the express permission of the
trademark owner. Trademark i nfringement carries stiff civil a nd c r iminal penalties.
Web Linking, Framing and Metatags:Linking with o ther web sites is strictly prohibited unless prope r a uthor iz a tion
is given from human re s our ces or your in-house a ttorney. When yo u link with another web site, i t can give the
appearance you sponsor that site's content. Additionally, no other web site can be framed within your web site unless
expre ss permission ha s been give n by human resource s or yo ur attorney. Fi nally, whe n cons t ructing a web site, the
design ofMetatags (cod e s used to identify materialto a sear ch engine for indexing) mustbe authorized by human
resources or yo ur in-ho use attorney.
Passwords:Password s are for internal use and are not allowed to be distributed to an yone without the e xpress
permission of yo ur supervisor or other superior. Passwords are also not to be shared. They are for the exclusive use
of the person to whom they have been assigned. Additionally, passwords do not create an expectation of privacy
when it comes to employer monito r ing.
Off-Si t e Use O f SBLC Com put ers:Off-site use of SBLC computers includes but is not limited to home, car, hotel a nd
other off-site locations. You have no expectatio n of privacy at off-site loc a tions. Additionally, you must ad her e to all
the same policyrestrictions as if yo u were using the computer on-site.T he tempta ti on o f info rmality in yo ur
computer usage carries a higher d uty of care and responsibilit y. When using aSBLC computer all off-site computer
communication must have a business purpose andall federal and state civil and criminal laws mus t be r espected.
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Litigation:In the event of litig a tion, all computer users are on notice t hat federa l a nd state civil rule s of procedure
may al low discovery of all computer hardware and software. This includes but isn't limited to your of fice computer,
laptop, home computer, printers, cell phones and other equipment. Any attempt to damage or destroy evidence in
your computer wi ll trigger sti ff civil and criminal penalties. I f your computer equip ment is subpoenaed or yo u
anticipate litigation, contact your in-houseattorney or human resources for guidance on how to proceed.
Amendments:This policy may be amended or revised from time to time as need arises. Users will be provided with
copies of all amend ments a nd revisions. Any interpretation of this p olic y as it re la te s to the computer system wil l be
provided by the Department of Human Resources with guidance fro m the Information Systems Office and the
Attorney's Office.
Waiver:Upon signing this policy, the computer user acknowledges he or she clearly understands the policy a nd has
no further q uestions as to the co ntent and delivery of this co mp uter use policy. The computer user a lso a ffirms that
since he or she has no confusionover the co ntent of thi s p olic y, there will be no viola tion of this policy or any other
civil or cr iminal laws relating to computer use. The computer user will indemnify the SBLC and hold harmless for
violati ng SBLC computer polic y, which causes; 1) h umiliation inter nally and wit h the public; 2 ) disruptio n of
services; a nd 3) civil or c riminal lia bility. T he computer user waives a ny right to litigate an inad e quate traini ng claim
or other negligence claim against SBLC for not clearly u nderstanding this computer use polic y.
Work Site __________________________________ J ob Tit le _____ _________ ________________ _________ ___
Form Date: 09/13/2007
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District Office Use Only
AccountName: _____________________________ Date: ___________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Skyward StudentAcccount