Fillable Printable Employee Of The Month Nomination Form - Florida
Fillable Printable Employee Of The Month Nomination Form - Florida

Employee Of The Month Nomination Form - Florida

Name of Nominee:______________________________ Department:_______________________
Job Title______________________________________ Month/Year_______________________
Please check the appropriate area for which you are nominating the employee and provide specific
details of the accomplishments, outstanding customer service, or achievements that you are
recognizing. These activities must have occurred within the last 60 days.
Timeframe Activities Occurred:______________________________________________________
Describe the employee’s accomplishments/contributions that were above and beyond the
normal duties expected of the position. Include as much specific information as possible:
Explain how the employee provided outstanding customer service (i.e. served as a role model
and/or enhanced the reputation of the department/institution, contributed to a positive work
environment by supporting the University Standards of Service, etc).
Describe the employee’s recent achievement(s) that positively impacted the department or
institution (i.e., exhibited innovation which had an impact on priorities, contributed to
established goals, promoted cost-conscious or cost-cutting measures, etc.).
Nominated by________________________________________ Date________________________

Unit Head___________________________________________ Date________________________
I certify that within the 6 months prior to this nomination, the employee has had no formal corrective