Fillable Printable Employee Of The Month Nomination Form - New Jersey
Fillable Printable Employee Of The Month Nomination Form - New Jersey

Employee Of The Month Nomination Form - New Jersey

Because customer service and excellence are important to Jersey Shore Hospital, we want to recognize
those employees that exude Jersey Shore Hospital’s high standard of service and respect. Use this form
to nominate an employee who you feel deserves recognition. Submissions can be made by placing the
form into the nomination box by the Employee of the Month bulletin board (across from the Lab).
Nominations must be submitted by the 25th of the previous month. Winners will be chosen and
announced by the Customer Service Committee around the 1st of the month. The benefits awarded to
the winner will run through the 30th of that same month.
When nominating an employee, please provide the following information:
Nominee’s Name: _________________________________________________________________
Nominee’s Department: ____________________________________________________________
Recent event/occurrence that made you nominate this employee:
Three outstanding characteristics of this employee:
1: ______________________________________________________________________________
2: ______________________________________________________________________________
3: ______________________________________________________________________________
Nominated by:
Your Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Department: _____________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________