Fillable Printable Employee Self Evaluation Form - Minnesota
Fillable Printable Employee Self Evaluation Form - Minnesota
Employee Self Evaluation Form - Minnesota
Employee Self Evaluation Form
Name: Department:
Title: Date:
Instructions for Completing this Form
• Complete this form prior to the annual performance review with your su pervisor.
• Make a copy of the completed Self Evaluation Form for your supervisor in advance of the
review meeti ng.
• The goal of this form is to provide information from which you and your supervisor, working
together, can create goals and action plans.
• Select a rating for each of the core competencie s usi ng the rating guide below.
Rating Guide -
The rating scale below is to be used to evaluate performance in each of the
competency areas.
Exceeds Stan dard:
Performance is repeatedly above expectation.
Meets Standard: Performance meets expect ation.
Needs Improvement: Performance is sometimes below expe ctation.
Leader Attributes
Fundamental qualities and charac teristics
Using the drop down arrow, select the measurement you think b est describes your pe rformance
in each skill area. In the comment section, please describe how you exhibit performance in this
RATING SCALE Exceeds Standard: Performance is repeatedly above expectation.
Meets Standard: Performance meets expect ation.
Needs Improvement: Performance is som etimes below expectation.
Attributes (Fundamental qualities and characteristics)
1. Mental - Possess desire, will and initiative.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
2. Physical - Appropri ate appearance, decorum.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
Leader Attributes - continued
Fundamental qualities and characteristics
3. Emotional. Displays self-control; calm user pressure.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
Training and development needed in this area:
Knowledge/S kill Level of Proficiency Required
SKILLS (Competence)
Skill development is part of self-development; prerequisite to action.
1. Conceptual – Demonstrates soun d judgment critical/creative
thinking and reasoning.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
2. Interpersonal - Shows skill with people; coaching, teaching,
counseling, mentoring, empowering.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
SKILLS (Competence) – continued
Technical – Possesses th e necessary expertise to accomplish
all tasks and functions.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
Training and development needed in this area:
Knowledge/S kill Level of Proficiency Required
Actions (Leadership)
Major activities you perform, influencing, operating, and improving.
1. Influencing – method of reaching g oals while ope rating / improving.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
2. Communicating - Displays good oral, written and listening skills for
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
Actions (Leadership) – continued
Major activities you perform, influencing, operating, and improving.
Decision Making - Employs sound jud gment, logica l reasoning and uses
resources wisely.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
4. Planning - Develops detailed executable plans that are feasible, acceptable,
and suitable.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
Actions (Leadership) - Continued
Major activities you perform, influencing, operating, and improving.
5. Executing - Shows proficiency, meets task, and takes ca re of
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
6. Assessing - Uses after-action and evaluation tools to facilitate consistent
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
Actions (Leadership) - Continued
Major activities you perform, influencing, operating, and improving.
7. Developing - Invests adequate time / effort to develop individual
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
8. Building - Spends time and resources improving teams groups and units;
fosters ethical climate.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
Actions (Leadership) - Continued
Major activities you perform, influencing, operating, and improving.
9. Learning - Seeks self-improveme nt and organizational growth; envisioning
adapting and leading change.
How I exhibit positive performance in this area:
How I can im prove in this area:
Training and development needed in this area:
Knowledge/S kill Level of Proficiency Required