Fillable Printable Employer Declaration For Ignition Interlock Device
Fillable Printable Employer Declaration For Ignition Interlock Device

Employer Declaration For Ignition Interlock Device

Employer Declaration for
Ignition Interlock Exemption
Use this form if you are required to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in all vehicles you drive AND your
employer requires you to drive a vehicle without an IID.
To get an employer exemption, you must have an IID installed in your personal vehicle.
If you have an IID installed in your personal vehicle and your employer requires you to drive a vehicle without an IID during
working hours that is owned, leased, rented, or the temporary responsibility of your employer, you must:
• Completetheemployeesectionofthisform
• Haveyouremployercompleteandsigntheemployersection
• Carryacopyofthisformwhendrivingforyouremployer
• Sendthiscompletedformto:
Mail: Restricted Licensing
Department of Licensing
PO Box 9030
Olympia, WA 98507
Email: interloc[email protected]v
Fax: 360-570-7824
You may only drive the vehicle(s) during working hours. Employer vehicles assigned exclusively to you that are used
solely for commuting to and from employment are not eligible for an exemption.
PRINT OR TYPE Name of employee (Last, First, Middle initial)
Washington driver license number Date of birth (Area code) Daytime telephone number
Nameofemployercontactorrepresentative (Areacode)Companytelephonenumber
Companyname UBInumber
City State ZIPcode
This employee is required to operate a vehicle during working hours that is owned, leased, rented, or in the
temporary care of this company.
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date and place signed Employer signature
DR-500-025 (R/7/16)WA
Click here to START or CLEAR, then hit the TAB button
Complete Employee section, print out, and have your employer complete and sign.