Fillable Printable Employment Verification letter
Fillable Printable Employment Verification letter

Employment Verification letter
This form needs to be completed for faculty/researchers/scholars/scientists/ engineers who are
coming to Florida Atlantic University from previous employment.
Applicant/Employee Information:
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Last First M. I.
Employment Verification:
______ Letter of reference from previous employer is attached.
_______ Employment was verified on (date) ____________ by telephone (phone
number ________________ with (title) ________________________ at
(institution) ______________________________________________.
Verified By: (FAU Representative)
Name: __________________________________ Title: ________________________
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ________________________
This form should be sent to the Associate Provost, Academic Personnel (ADMIN.
309), with other materials (official transcript, current vita, signed offer letter, signed
Faculty Tenure Agreement, letters of reference) required for the personnel credential
A copy of this form also needs to be sent to EOP along with Part II of the
Compliance Report.