Fillable Printable Eulogy Template
Fillable Printable Eulogy Template

Eulogy Template
Eulogy Template
The parts in CAPITAL LETTERS are headings that show you the structure of the funeral speech.
You don’t include them in your speech.
A famous writer once said “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give”.
If that is true, then ________ (name of deceased) made a great life. He/She was the most giving
person I’ve ever known. And judging from the nodding heads I see in front of me, it seems that
many of you agree.
_________ (name) was born __________ (full birth name) on ________ (their birthdate) in
_______ (city). He/She was the ______ (first, second, only) child of ________ (name of loved
one’s father) and ________ (name of loved one’s mother). They lived in _______ (city) from
_____ (year) to _______ (year), and later moved to _______ and _______.
_________ (name) went to _______ and _______ (name of schools) and graduated with
________ (name of degree or training). He/She then went to work for ________ (name of
company) as a _______ (name of postion). Over the years, ______(name) also worked for
________, _______ and _______ (name of other companies) OR also worked in _______ and
_______ (type of job, e.g. sales, teaching, farming, homemaking).
In ______ (year) ________ (name) met _______ (name of spouse) and they were married _____
(number) years later. Eventually they had ___ (number) children, _______, _______ and
_______ (names of their children). Last year, ______ (name) and _______ (spouse’s name)
celebrated their _____ (number, e.g. 50th) wedding anniversary.
______ (name) was very active in the ________ (church, community, local theatre, quilting,
volunteer firefighting). He/She devoted many hours to _______ (hobby or service) and was
known for ________ (what person was known for in the hobby or service, e.g. her exquisite quilt
designs; always being ready with a helping hand; always having a positive attitude).
I asked family and friends to tell me what they remember most about ______ (name). There are
so many good memories. __________. __________. _________. ___________. (list 5 or 6
memories in short sentence form, e.g. Playing music together. Fishing at Ajax Lake. His big
hearty laugh. The time we went to Disneyland and Susie got lost).
One that I remember in particular is the time when __________ (tell a longer story that illustrates
your loved one’s personality – this can be a heart-warming story or a humorous story).
_________ (name) was a remarkably _________ (an adjective, e.g. good; thoughtful;
hardworking; fun-loving) person. He/She was a person of great _______ and ________ (two
words that describe the person’s character, e.g. devotion, integrity, love, compassion, service,
Above all, _________ (name) believed in _________ (the person’s highest value, e.g. family,
faith, hard work, independence, community, compassion). He/She always said “___________”
(a common saying that illustrates the person’s highest value, e.g. “family is the most important
thing in life”; “you get out of life what you put into it”; “life is short, so enjoy it while you can!”)
Those are words of wisdom that I will always cherish.
In closing, I would like to share this poem with you:
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
________, (name) thank you for being part of our lives. We are all going to miss you.