Fillable Printable Example for a Proper Business Letter
Fillable Printable Example for a Proper Business Letter

Example for a Proper Business Letter

Comm11 – Letters01
- Writing a Business Letter
Writing a Business Letter
Like many different things in life, you need to learn the proper way of doing things. For
example, if you want to drive a car, you must first learn that everybody in North America
drives on the right hand side. If want to address a letter to somebody, you must put the
address of the recipient (the person you are sending it to) in the middle of the envelope and
your return address in the top left-hand corner of the envelope. Rules and formats are just
a way of life.
The formal business letter is used to communicate between companies, used to interact
between individuals, and is used to communicate or offer complaints between an individual or
a company. The formal business letter has its own specific format that is used throughout
the world and it is that simple format that you are required to know.
See the example of a formal business letter on the next page.
Your assignment is to create your own business letters using the format that is
outlined below. You will be marked out of 10 for you ability to create a neat, word-
processed, properly formatted business letter. What you are writing about or what
you have to say is not as important as the format used.
Total: ____/10

Example of a proper business letter;
Mr.C. Mayer
C/O Summerland Secondary School
1234 Main Street
Summerland, B.C.
V0H 1Z1
January 15, 2007
Mr. Glenn Plake
President of Glenn Plake Productions
7205 Extreme Mountain Way
Denver, Colorado
Dear Mr. Plake:
RE: Extreme Skiing Part II
I recently purchased your extreme skiing video Extreme Skiing Part II and I am sad to say that
the video was not of extreme skiing, but instead was of extreme snowboarding. As a determined
“two-planker” I am enclosing your video, along with my receipt, and I would like a refund.
If you would like to contact me about the benefits of “two-planking” or would like to offer me a
refund, you can reach me at the above address or at (250) 555-5555.
Yours truly,
Mr. C. Mayer
Always put the date 2 space underneath
your address
Your full address goes first. Often a letterhead.
Full Address of the person you
are sending it to goes second
It is sometimes good to put a
“Regarding” sentence, telling the
reader what the letter is about
Address the letter to the person personally or use
“Dear Sir” or “Dear Ma’am”. Don’t forget the “:”
Keep all of your text on
the left hand side margin.
Give yourself 4
or 5 spaces for
your signature
ALWAYS use at least
TWO paragraphs in a
formal letter. The last
paragraph must refer the
reader to your return
address and offer some
sort of alternate contact
(such as a phone number).