Fillable Printable Extension of Lease Agreement
Fillable Printable Extension of Lease Agreement

Extension of Lease Agreement
Extension of Lease Agreement
Extension of Lease Agreement made by and between:
___________________________________________________________________, Landlord and
________________________________________________________________________, Tenant,
relative to a certain lease agreement for premises known as:
City County State Zip
Dated:_________________ ___________________________ Name of Lease ____________
For good consideration, Landlord and Tenant each agree to extend the term of
said Lease for a period of _______________ commencing on_____________ (start date)_______,
terminating on______ (ending date)____,with no further right of renewal or extension beyond said
termination date.
During the extended term, Tenant shall pay Landlord rent of $__________________
payable in advance.
Other terms are as follows:
It is further provided, however, that all other terms of the Lease shall continue during this extended
term as if set forth herein.
This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors,
assigns and personal representatives.
Signed this date: _______________________
_____________________________ ________________________________
Landlord Landlord
_____________________________ ________________________________
Tenant Tenant