Fillable Printable Lease Extension Agreement Form
Fillable Printable Lease Extension Agreement Form

Lease Extension Agreement Form

Lease Extension Agreement
This lease extension agreement was created on _________________________________, 20________
between____________________________________________________(hereinafter the LESSOR), and
__________________________________________________(hereinafter the LESSEE), for the property
Located at___________________________________________________________________________
The agreement certifies that the parties agree to extend the lease agreement for an additional time
period of______________ starting on _______________________, 20_______ and ending on
____________________________________________, 20________
This lease will be extended at a rate of ________________________ per ___________________
This document binds the Lessor and the Lessee to the terms and conditions of the original lease. This
lease extension agreement, along with the attached original lease, is the entire agreement between
both parties.
Printed Name: _______________________________ Title: _________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Printed Name: _______________________________ Title: _________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________