Fillable Printable Farmland Rental and Lease Form - Ohio
Fillable Printable Farmland Rental and Lease Form - Ohio

Farmland Rental and Lease Form - Ohio
Sample Pasture Lease Agreement
(Not a legal document.)
I. Parties:
This lease entered into this ________________________ day of ___________________, ________, between
_____________________________________, landlord, of ____________________________________________
pasture owner address
hereafter known as “the landlord,” and ____________________________________________, tenant, of
livestock owner
II. Property Description
The landlord hereby leases to the tenant, to occupy and use for pasture purposes, the following described property:
consisting of approximately _________________ acres situated in _________________________________________
County (Counties), _________________ (State), and on any other land that the landlord may designate by mutual
written agreement.
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III. General Terms of Lease
A. Term (select one option).
1.) Annual lease. The term of this lease shall be
________________, commence on the ________ day
of ____________, and end on the _________ day of
2.) Continuing lease. The term of the lease shall be
__________ year(s), commencing on the _________ day
of ______________, _____, and shall continue in effect
from year to year thereafter (as an annual lease) unless
written notice of termination is given by either party to
the other at least _________ days prior to expiration of
the lease or the end of any year of continuation.
(Note: State laws differ on the duration of agricultural leases.)
B. Review of lease. A request for general review of
the lease may be made by either party at least ________
days prior to the nal date for giving notice to terminate
the lease.
C. Amendments. Amendments and alterations to this
lease shall be in writing and shall be signed by both the
landlord and tenant.
D. No partnership created.
This lease shall not be
deemed to give rise to a partnership relation, and neither
party shall have authority to obligate the other without
written consent, except as specically provided in this
E. Binding on heirs. The terms of this lease shall be
binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, and

successors of both landlord and tenant in like manner as
upon the original parties, except as provided by mutual
written agreement otherwise.
F. Transfer of property.
If the landlord should sell or
otherwise transfer title to the farm, such action will be
done subject to the provisions of this lease.
G. Additional agreements regarding terms of lease:
IV. Normal Units — Maximum Allowable:
Not more than _________ animal units shall be kept in
the pasture at any time. Violation of this provision shall
constitute grounds for termination of the lease unless
the pasture owner rst secures in writing the consent of
the lessee. Each 1,000 pounds of average weight for the
pasture period shall be considered an animal unit.
If the pasture owner and the owner of the livestock prefer, they can
use the following basis for calculating animal units: 1 bull, 1.3
animal units; one 1,000 lb. cow, 1 animal unit; 1 yearling steer or
heifer, 0.8 animal unit; calf, 6 months to 1 year, 0.6 animal unit; calf,
3 to 6 months, 0.3 animal unit; sheep. 5 per animal unit; horse 1.3
animal units.
V. Duties:
1.) The livestock owner agrees:
a. Not to pasture livestock known to be
breachy (apt to break fences or break
out of pasture). Should any animal be
found outside the pasture on at least three
occasions, the pasture owner may request its
b. Not to assign his/her rights and duties under
this lease without the written consent of the
pasture owner.
c. To brand or tag all livestock in a manner
sufcient to determine identity of ownership.
A written list of all animals beyond weaning
age entering the pasture together with brand
description and classications according
to breed, age grouping, and sex shall be
provided to the owner of the pasture. Such
list shall be kept up to date throughout the
d. Not to put any cattle in pasture without
getting approval from the pasture owner
in advance regarding number, health, sex,
breed, and age.
2. The pasture owner agrees:
a. To place the perimeter fences and necessary
cross fences in serviceable condition prior to
the date livestock are brought to the pasture
and to maintain the fences during the pasture
b. To provide an adequate source of water
throughout the pasture season. Violation of
this subsection shall constitute grounds for
termination of the lease.
c. To inform all livestock owners at the time
this contract is completed of any plans for
putting any male animal(s) into the pasture,
including a description and approximate
dates of entry and withdrawal. Such
intentions shall be made a matter of record
as follows:
Description of Bull(s)
(breed, markings, or registration
number, etc.)
Date of
Date of
In the event the pasture owner should wish to put male
animals not described above into the pasture, he shall
give all owners of female stock notice of his intention
to do so at least ________ days in advance of actually
doing so. Owners of female stock shall then have the
option of removing female stock without liability for any
rental charges on the animals removed for the remainder
of the season. Failure to remove female stock during the
specied length of time shall be interpreted to mean that
the owner has not objected to the pasture owner’s stated
intention and this contract shall continue to be binding.
VI. Both Agree:
1.) Not to obligate the other party. Neither party
hereto shall pledge the credit of the other party
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hereto for any purpose whatsoever without the
consent of the other party. Neither party shall be
responsible for the debts or liabilities incurred or
for damages caused by the other party.
2.) Responsibilities. Additional responsibilities for
each party shall be divided as follows:
Livestock Owner Pasture Owner
Inspect fences not
less than once per
Furnish labor for
repair of fences
Furnish materials
for repair of fences
Furnish materials
for repair of water
Furnish salt and
Count livestock not
less than once per
Call veterinarian in
case of emergency
Pay veterinary
Provide loading
and unloading
feed, if needed
Notify other party
of shortage in
Provide facilities
for y control
Keep y control
facilities in working
Liability Insurance
VII. Right of Entry:
Both parties and agents or employees, therefore, shall
have the right to enter the pasture at any time for any
legitimate purposes: (a) of consultation with the tenant;
(b) of making repairs, improvements, and inspections;
and (c) after notice of termination of the lease is given,
of performing customary seasonal work, not of which
is to interfere with the tenant in carrying out regular
operations. Due care shall be exercised to ensure that
gates are closed upon entering and leaving the premises.
Pasture owner may request right of entry to hunt and
VIII. Computation of Rent: (Select one method and
strike out the other not used.)
Method I. Per Head per Month Rental:
The livestock owner agrees to pay the following rates
per animal unit per month $ ________.____/AUM.
Head X
Rent per
Bulls $
Cows $
6 mons.-1 yr.
3-6 mons.
Sheep $
Horses $
Other $
Total Rent $
Method II. Per Acre Charge
The livestock owner agrees to pay $________ per acre
for use of the land described in item II.
Method III. Payment for Gain
Livestock shall be weighed prior to entering the pasture
at ____________________________ and upon leaving
the pasture at __________________ ________________
Weighing shall be at the expense of the livestock
owner, and in the presence of the pasture owner or his
The net increase in weight will be paid at a rate of
_______________ per pound.
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Share of Gain Rental:
The livestock owner agrees to pay _________ percent
of the value of growing animals at weaning time; and
$_________ per head per month for each non-producing
animal. (examples: bulls, rams, or cows and heifers
without calves.)
Except by written consent of the pasture owner, such
rental shall be paid on not less than ________________
animal units, regardless of whether or not the minimum
number is actually pastured. If there are less than the
minimum number, the rental shall be calculated on the
basis of the average charge for those cattle in the pasture.
IX. Payment Schedule
Rent shall be due and payable when all stock has been
removed by the livestock owner, or by the following
$_______ on or before _____ day of _______ (month)
$_______ on or before _____ day of _______ (month)
$_______ on or before _____ day of _______ (month)
$_______ on or before _____ day of _______ (month)
If rent is not paid when due, the tenant agrees to pay
interest on the amount of unpaid rent at the rate of
_______ percent per annum from the due date until paid.
Rental adjustment. Additional rental payment
X. Arbitration:
In case of disagreement relative to any provision of this
lease, such dispute shall be referred to an arbitration
committee composed of one member selected by each
party, and a third member selected by the other two. The
decision of the arbitration committee shall be binding
upon the parties of this lease.
XI. Notarization
Executed in duplicate on the date rst above written:
tenant/livestock owner
landlord/pasture owner
State of _______________________________________
County of _____________________________________
On this ________________ day of ________________ ,
A.D. ____________, before me, the undersigned, a
Notary Public in said State, personally appeared ____
________________________, __________________
___________ to me known to be the identical persons
named in and who executed the foregoing instrument,
and acknowledged that they executed the same as their
voluntary act and deed.
Notary Public
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