Fillable Printable Firearm Bill of Sale Form
Fillable Printable Firearm Bill of Sale Form

Firearm Bill of Sale Form

Firearm Bill of Sale
Seller Info
Name: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Driver’s License Number: ___________________________
Carry Permit Number:______________________________
State that issued Permit: _______ ____________________
Buyer Info
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Driver’s License Number: _____________________________
Carry Permit Number: _______________________________
State that issued Permit: _____________________________
For and in consideraon of $______USD, cash in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideraon,
the receipt and su%ciency of which is hereby acknowledged, the seller _________________, does
hereby sell and transfer unto, __________________, the following described (rearm:
Make/Model: _____________________________
Caliber: __________________________________
Serial Number:_____________________________
Seller warrants to Buyer that he has good and marketable tle to said property, full authority to sell and
transfer said property, and that said property is sold free of all liens, encumbrances, liabilies and
adverse claims of every nature and descripon whatsoever.
The undersigned Buyer warrants that he is a cizen of the United States of America currently residing in
the State of Washington, and
1. Does not use illegal drugs
2. Is not a fugive from jusce, has never been
a. Convicted of a felony, misdemeanor or crime of domesc violence
b. Dishonorably discharged from the armed forces
c. Subject to a restraining order
d. Under indictment
e. Adjudicated as mentally defecve or con(ned to a mental instuon
Seller:______________________________ Buyer:______________________________