Fillable Printable Firearm Bill of Sale Template
Fillable Printable Firearm Bill of Sale Template

Firearm Bill of Sale Template

Sale Date: _________________ Firearm Bill of Sale
Seller certifies that:
• He/she is the legal owner of the firearm(s) listed below.
• The firearm(s) are not stolen and has never been used to commit an illegal act and/or felony.
• If it can be shown now or in the future that firearm(s) was stolen prior to the date listed below, the seller will give the buyer a full refund
for the firearm(s) and all accessories listed below.
• The firearm(s) is/are sold as-is with no warranties expressed or implied.
• Seller assumes no liability after the transfer of ownership takes place.
• Seller assumes no liability of any/all aftermarket parts added to the firearm(s).
• Seller assumes no liability of any/all original equipment parts on the firearm(s).
• Seller specifically disclaims any warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose of this firearm(s) and disclaims all
responsibility for consequential and/or incidental damages or any other losses arising from the use of firearm(s) listed below.
Buyer certifies that he/she:
• Has NEVER been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one (1) year.
• Is NOT a fugitive from justice.
• Is NOT an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance.
• Has NEVER been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to a mental institution.
• Is NOT an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States or an alien admitted to the United Stated under a nonimmigrant visa.
• Has NOT been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable discharge.
• Having been a citizen of the United States, has NEVER renounced his/her citizenship.
• Is NOT subject to a court order that restrains the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of such
intimate partner.
• Has NOT been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence
• CAN lawfully receive, posses, ship or transport a firearm and is of legal age to own firearm(s) listed below.
• Is NOT a person who is under indictment or information for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one (1) year.
• Agrees to all terms and conditions set forth and listed in this document
I truthfully state that I AM NOT a person who cannot legally buy, receive and posses firearms and/or ammunitions.
Buyers Full Name: _____________________________ Signature: ___________________________________
Serial Number:
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Firearm(s) being sold:
Addition Equipment, Parts, Ammunitions:

Sale Date: _________________ Firearm Bill of Sale
(Full Legal Name)
(Full Legal Name)
(Drivers Lic. #)
(Drivers Lic. #)
(CCW # if applicable)
(CCW # if applicable)
(Phone #)
(Phone #)
*** Buyer and seller should photocopy a photo ID and attach to this Bill of Sale. It is not necessary, but a good measure.
Sale Date: ______________ Total Amount for Bill of Sale: $______________
Buyer’s Printed Name: __________________________ Buyer’s Signature: __________________________
Seller’s Printed Name: __________________________ Seller’s Signature: __________________________
Witness’s Printed Name: _________________________ Witness’s Signature: _________________________
Notary Public Area:
It is NOT required that this Bill of Sale be witnessed by a Notary Public, but should. In the event a Notary Public should notarize this document,
please ensure that BOTH the Buyer and the Seller copy get notarized.
State of : __________________
County of: __________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Notary Stamp/Seal Here)
______ day of ______ in the year of 20_____.
____________________________ (Notary Name)
My Commission expires on ________ the _____ of 20_____
Addition terms, Obligations, Notes or Information:
Buyer and Seller Personal Information: