Fillable Printable Form 4205 - Date Of Sale Verification
Fillable Printable Form 4205 - Date Of Sale Verification

Form 4205 - Date Of Sale Verification

Missouri Department of Revenue
Date of Sale Verification
Form 4205 (Revised 06-2014)
Mail to: Motor Vehicle Bureau
P.O. Box 100
Jefferson City, MO 65105-0100 Phone: (573) 526-3669
for additional information.
Missouri Statute 301.210 requires the title to be assigned on the day of purchase.
Year Make Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Issue Date Indicated on Face of Title (MM/DD/YYYY) Original Sale or Purchase Date Indicated on Assignment of Title (MM/DD/YYYY)
___ ___/___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___/___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___
Please indicate below a sale or purchase date that was on or after the certificate of ownership (title) issue date.
The seller, buyer, and lienholder(s) if applicable, must sign below. Only one buyer and seller must sign.
New Sale or Purchase Date (MM/DD/YYYY) — Must be on or after issue date on title
___ ___/___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___
Seller’s Signature Buyer’s Signature
Lienholder’s Signature Lienholder’s Signature
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This form must be completed by the purchaser, seller, and lienholder in the event a title assignment date is
prior to the issue date of the title. Section 301.210, RSMo, provides that the ownership of a motor vehicle or
trailer legally transfers only at the time a certificate of ownership is assigned. Therefore, the purchase or sale date
must be on or after the issue date of the title. If the owner of a vehicle issues a bill of sale to the purchaser but
sells such vehicle without the title, the purchaser does possess an interest in the vehicle but has no legal
ownership rights to the vehicle until such time as the title is assigned. Allowing a purchase date prior to the
issue date of the title could create legal problems concerning ownership with regard to insurance settlements,
lienholder rights, etc. This form must be submitted at the time the title is submitted by the applicant. The new
purchase date shown on the form does not have to be recorded on the back of the title but will be shown as the
purchase date on the face of the new title issued.
Similarly, the date of sale on the assignment cannot be prior to the date of the previous title assignment, i.e., the first
assignment cannot have a sale date of July 1, 2014, and the second assignment a sale date of June 15, 2014.
If an original title is assigned to a purchaser and then is lost, the duplicate title that is issued may be backdated
to the date of purchase as recorded on the original title and no statement will be required. This only applies to
duplicate titles.
Form 4205 (Revised 06-2014)