Fillable Printable Form 5313 - Affidavit Of Severance
Fillable Printable Form 5313 - Affidavit Of Severance
Form 5313 - Affidavit Of Severance
Grantor or Grantee Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
__ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __
Name of Manufactured Homeowner (Person(s) who will be issued Certication of Title)
Residential Address City State Zip
Mailing Address City State Zip
(Space Above Reserved for Recorder of Deeds Certication)
Real Estate Information
Legal Description of Real Estate (Attach a separate exhibit if more space is needed)
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Home Information
Manufacturer Name Manufacturer’s Serial Number Home is:
r New r Used
Model Year Make Model Name Dimensions of the Home
Missouri Department of Revenue
Affidavit of Severance
Form 5313 (Revised 06-2014)
Date Afdavit of Afxation was Recorded with Recorder of Deeds Book Number Page Number
Obtain from Recorder of Deeds
Reset Form
Print Form
Statement of Facts Regarding Certificate of Title. I hereby state the following: (Place initials in applicable boxes)
The following facts are known by me which affect the validity of the title to the manufactured home
referenced in this application (attach a separate exhibit if more space is needed).
I am not aware of any facts or information that could affect the validity of the title of the manufactured
home or the existence or nonexistence of a security interest in or lien on it.
Statement of Facts
Consent of Affiant
Under the penalties of perjury, I hereby afrm that the aforementioned manufactured home has been severed from the
real estate described in this afdavit. I further afrm that the information contained in this afdavit is true and accurate.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Afant’s Signature Printed or Typed Name of Afant
State of Missouri )
County of __________________________)
Subscribed and sworn before me this
___________________ day of _________________________, 20 _____
Notary Signature ___________________________________________
Printed or Typed Name of Notary ______________________________
My Commission Expires ______________________________________
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Designated Agent
Designated agent for ling will receive written acknowledgement of compliance.
Name of Designated Agent Business or Agency Name
Street Address City State Zip
Mail to: Motor Vehicle Bureau
P.O. Box 100 Phone: (573) 526-3669
Form 5313 (Revised 06-2014)
for additional information.
Must be completed by an attorney or licensed agent of a title insurance company.
I certify that the manufactured home described in this Afdavit of Severance is free and clear of, or has been released from, all
recorded security interests, liens, and encumbrances. Place your initials in one of the applicable boxes below:
I certify 1) that the following facts are known to me that could affect the validity of the certicate of title to the manufactured
home described in this application, or 2) that I am aware of the existence of the following lien or encumbrance to the
manufactured home described in this application (attach separate exhibit if more space is needed):
I am not aware of any facts or information which may affect the validity of the certicate of title to, or the existence of any
lien or encumbrance on the manufactured home described in this application.
Bar Number if an Attorney __________________ License Number if a Title Insurance Agent __________________
Signature of Attorney or Title Insurance Agent Typed or Printed Name Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
__ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __
To be completed by an attorney-at-law or agent
of a title insurance company