Fillable Printable Form 54861
Fillable Printable Form 54861

Form 54861

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State Form 53812 (R3 / 1-16)
Prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance
January 1, 20___ payable in 20___
For official use only
INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be filed annually, by mail or in person, with the County Auditor of the county where the property is located.
Filing Date: Form must be completed and signed by December 31 and filed or postmarked by the following January 5.
See page 2 for additional instructions and qualifications.
Name of applicant Telephone number
( )
E-mail address
Business address (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code) County
Address of model residence (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code)
Brief description of residence and any other real property claimed for deduction
Legal description Key number Assessed value of qualifying real property
As of January 1, 20___, the property is:
Partially completed Fully completed
Have you received this deduction on this property in prior years?
Yes, as partially completed Yes, as fully completed No
If yes, indicate which years
Deduction claimed (50% of qualifying assessed value) Is the property located in an allocation area as defined by IC 6-1.1-21.2-3?
Yes No
Are there other deductions applied to this property?
Yes No
If yes, please list:
Have you filed for this deduction on other properties located in Indiana, either alone
or as a member of an affiliated group?
Yes No
If yes, please list below.
Property Address (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code) Key Number / Legal Description of Property County
I / We certify, under penalty of perjury, that the above and foregoing information is true and correct.
Signature of applicant or authorized representative Printed name of applicant or authorized representative Date signed (month, day, year)
Is property recommended for deduction?
Yes No
Assessed value of qualifying real property Recommended deduction (50% of qualifying real property)
Signature of Assessing Official Printed name of Assessing Official Date signed (month, day, year)
Deduction determined by County Auditor for January 1, 20____ payable in 20____:
Approved deduction
Signature of County Auditor Printed name of County Auditor Date signed (month, day, year)
Description or reasons for change:
Distribution on date of filing: Original – County Auditor; File stamped copy – Applicant; File stamped copy – Township Assessor, if any, or County Assessor
Distribution on date that determination is made: Original – County Auditor; Copy – Applicant; Copy – Township Assessor, if any, or County Assessor
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Applications must be filed during the periods specified. Once the application is in effect, application must be re-
filed annually.
This application may be filed in person or by mail. If mailed, the mailing must be postmarked before the last day of
Any person who willfully makes a false statement of the facts in applying for this deduction is guilty of the crime of
perjury and on the conviction thereof will be punished in the manner provided by law.
“Model residence” means real property that consists of a single family residence, single family townhouse, or
single family condominium unit that has never been occupied as a principal residence, and is used for display or
demonstration to prospective buyers or lessees for purposes of potential acquisition or lease of a similar type of
residence, townhouse, or condominium unit on the same property or other property.
Eligible applicants are entitled to a deduction from the assessed value of the residence in the amount of 50% of
the assessed value of the model residence for:
- Not more than one assessment date for which the model residence is assessed as a partially completed
- The assessment date for which the model residence is first assessed as a fully completed structure; and
- The two assessment dates that immediately follow the assessment date for which the property was first
assessed as fully completed.
A property owner may not receive the deduction for more than three model residences in Indiana for a particular
assessment date. Owners of model residences who are part of an affiliated group (as defined by 50 IAC 25-2-2)
may not exceed an aggregate of three model residence deductions for a particular assessment date.
The owner’s regular office space is not considered a model residence for purposes of the deduction. However,
use of a garage or other space in a model residence to store or display promotional materials or meet with
prospective buyers or lessees will not disqualify the model residence from the deduction.
A property owner may not receive a model residence deduction for a model residence located in an allocation
area as defined in IC 6-1.1-21.2-3.
A property owner that qualifies for a model residence deduction and also qualifies for a deduction under another
statute with respect to the same model home for a particular assessment year may not receive a deduction under
both statutes for that year.
A person who
owns a model residence and claims the deduction must provide the county auditor with a notice
that informs the auditor of a transfer of ownership of the model residence. This notice shall indicate whether the
new owner is eligible to receive the model residence deduction and must be submitted to the county auditor at the
same time that a sales disclosure form is filed under IC 6-1.1-5.5.
The deduction allowed for a model residence is terminated if the model is sold after the assessment date of a
particular year but before January 1 of the following year to a person who does not continue to use the property
as a model residence.