
Fillable Printable Form 700182

Fillable Printable Form 700182

Form 700182

Form 700182

BLS-700-182 (05/05/17)PAGE 1 OF 2
Vehicle Dealer/Manufacturer Addendum
(To obtain a license as a dealer of motor vehicles, manufactured homes, travel trailers, miscellaneous vehicles,
off-road vehicles, snowmobiles, vessels and/or as a vehicle manufacturer)
This addendum form may only be submitted as an attachment to the Business License Application.
Please read the Instructions for Completing the Vehicle Dealer/Manufacturer Addendum before completing this form.
Endorsements re
quested – All applicants
Mark all that apply to this business location only. Refer to the instruction sheet for additional information regarding
any of these endorsements.
Retail sales (also allows wholesale sales)
Motor vehicle dealer (220) Miscellaneous vehicle dealer (238)
Motor vehicle dealer subagency (221) Miscellaneous vehicle dealer subagency (239)
Manufactured home/travel-trailer dealer (227) Off-road vehicle dealer (230)
Mfd. home/travel-trailer dealer subagency (228) Snowmobile dealer (232)
Vessel dealer (234)** Vehicle manufacturer (225) (attach a list of dealers in
Washington selling your product)
**As a vessel dealer, will you accept a customer’s money on deposit? ........................... Yes No
If “yes, provide the following information for your trust account.
Bank name Branch Account number
License plates/decals required All applicants
Indicate how many plates and/or vessel decals you need for this location (if you are applying for a subagency, any plates
you request below for this location are considered in addition to those issued, or requested for the principal location).
For those listed in column 1 below, standard order is 3 plates or less, per location. To calculate the maximum plates you
may request for this location, see the instruction sheet.Those listed in column 2 may order as many plates as needed (no
Column 1 Column 2 Plate/decal
Plate quantity quantity
Motor veh. dealer or subagency __________ Off-road vehicle dealer ___________
Mfd. home/travel-trailer dealer or subagency __________ Snowmobile dealer ___________
Misc. vehicle dealer or subagency (motorcycles) __________ Vehicle manufacturer ___________
Misc. vehicle dealer or subagency (trailers, etc.) __________ Vessel dealer ___________
New vehicle sales Motor vehicle, mfd. home/travel trailer, and misc. vehicle dealer applicants only
Mark whether at this location you will be selling new vehicles in those classifications listed below:
Type of vehicle dealer: New vehicle sales?
Motor vehicle dealer or subagency ...................................................... Yes No
Manufactured home/travel-trailer dealer or subagency ....................................... Yes No
Miscellaneous vehicle dealer or subagency ................................................ Yes No
If you marked “yes” to any of the above, you must attach to this application:
• A list of all the vehicle manufacturers (name and address and Washington State vehicle manufacturer and/or UBI
number) your dealership represents
• A sales and service agreement for each manufacturer listed (see the instruction sheet for a suggested format)
Do you manufacture the vehicles you will be selling? ........................................ Yes No
If you manufacture the product that you sell, you may need a manufacturer's endorsement.
State of Washington
Business Licensing Service
PO Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034
Owner name
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BLS-700-182 (05/05/17)PAGE 2 OF 2
Exemptions – Auctioneer and vessel dealer certifications and exemptions
Are you applying for a motor vehicle dealer endorsement and requesting the auctioneer exemption? ... Yes No
If you marked “yes”:
• you must have a current auctioneer endorsement, issued under RCW 18.11
• your signature on the Business License Application certifies you do not intend to own vehicle inventory and all vehicle
sales will occur off-site, away from your place of business.
• endorsed auctioneers who have a motor vehicle dealer endorsement may auction vessels up to 25 feet in length
without obtaining a vessel dealer endorsement.
Vessel dealer bond waiver
Are you applying for a vessel dealer endorsement and requesting exemption from the bonding requirement?
Yes No
If you marked “yes”:
• your signature on the Business License Application certifies you will sell a maximum of fifteen (15) vessels per year,
with a maximum retail value of $2000 dollars each.
• to maintain the exemption you will be required to certify on the annual renewal notice that the number of vessels sold
and the highest retail value of any vessel sold in the registration year did not exceed the allowed limits.
You must attach properly executed surety bond(s) for the business activities indicated. Refer to the instruction sheet for
bond descriptions, requirements, and minimum dollar amounts.
• If you have applied for an endorsement as a motor vehicle dealer or its subagency, manufactured home/travel-
trailer dealer or its subagency, and/or miscellaneous vehicle dealer or its subagency, all activities may be
covered by a single bond for this one business location. Please refer to the instruction sheet.
• The vehicle manufacturer endorsement requires its own bond, but a bond is only required if manufactured homes
and/or travel trailers, fifth wheel trailers or tent trailers are being manufactured.
• The vessel dealer endorsement requires a separate bond for each business location (unless exempted, see section
Note: There is no bond required for the off-road vehicle dealer or snowmobile dealer endorsements.
Supplemental documentation
In addition to the documents requested previously on this addendum, you must also attach to this application some or
all of the documents and/or lists indicated below. Refer to the instruction sheet to determine which of these you must
include, then check the appropriate boxes below and attach the required documentation to the application.
Certificate of Dealer Education
Business property lease agreement or proof of property ownership
Description of vehicles manufactured
Financial source of funds statement
Warranty & service agreement
Personal/criminal history statement
List of distributing dealerships
Business location requirements
Please read the business location requirements in Section G of the instructions for the Vehicle Dealer/
Manufacturer Addendum.
• Your application will not be approved without meeting the requirements for the place of business.
• Your signature on the Business License Application certifies that this business location site complies with all
applicable building codes, zoning and other land-use ordinances.
• If a site inspection or certification is required for the endorsements you have requested, you will be contacted by a
Dealer Services investigator to arrange for the inspection or certification. If you have questions, please call Dealer
Services at (360) 664-6466
BLS-700-187 (05/11/17) Page 1 of 4
Below are instructions for completing each section of
the Vehicle Dealer/Manufacturer Addendum form.
An incomplete application will delay the
processing of the endorsement request. If you have
questions about completing this application, contact the
State of Washington, Business Licensing Service at
(360) 705-6744. For regulatory questions, contact the
Dealers Division at (360) 664-6466.
Please note: The business location must comply
with all site laws and pass inspection for approval. See
section G for further information.
Application procedure
1. Review the Endorsement and Fee Description Sheets
for general business registrations and vehicle-related
2. Select those endorsements that apply to your
business activities at this location. You may apply for
all endorsements and related license plates necessary
for all vehicle business activities occurring at the same
location with a single application, but each different
business location requires a separate application.
3. Write the names and fees for each endorsement you
require in Section 2 on page one of the Business
License Application.
4. Complete the rest of the Business License Application
as appropriate for your business. Note: You may not
use any business name already being used by an
endorsed vehicle dealer (WAC 308-66-140).
Instructions for completing the
Vehicle Dealer/Manufacturer Addendum
to obtain an endorsement as a
Motor Vehicle Dealer, Manufactured Home/Travel Trailer Dealer, Miscellaneous Vehicle Dealer,
Off-Road Vehicle Dealer, Snowmobile Dealer, Vehicle Manufacturer and/or Vessel Dealer
5. Complete or read the appropriate sections of the
Vehicle Dealer/Manufacturer Addendum (see chart
6. Submit the completed Business License Application,
Vehicle Dealer/Manufacturer Addendum, and other
documentation as described in these instructions,
and fee payment to:
State of Washington
Business Licensing Service
PO Box 9034
Olympia Washington 98507-9034
For more information, contact:
Phone: (360) 705-6744
FAX: (360) 705-6699
TTY: (360) 705-6718
For each physical business location to be endorsed,
you must submit a separate Business License Application,
Vehicle Dealer/Manufacturer Addendum, and other
required documentation. You must already have endorsed
a principal location, or have requested a principal location
endorsement on a separate application, before requesting
the related subagency or branch endorsement.
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://business.wa.gov/BLS or call 1-800-451-7985. Teletype (TTY) users may use the Washington
Relay Service by calling 711.
If you are applying for an endorsement as a:
Complete these sections on the Vehicle
Dealer/Manufacturer Addendum Form
Motor Vehicle Dealer, or its Subagency X X X X X X X
Manufactured Home/Travel Trailer Dealer, or its Subagency X X X X X X X
Miscellaneous Vehicle Dealer, or its Subagency X X X X X X X
Off-Road Vehicle Dealer X X X
Snowmobile Dealer X X X
Vehicle Manufacturer X X X X
Vessel Dealer X X X X X
BLS-700-187 (05/11/17) Page 2 of 4
Section A: Endorsements requested
Retail vehicle dealer means a vehicle dealer who
may buy and sell at both wholesale and retail.
• Ifyouwillhaveretail sales of cars, trucks, and/or
motor homes, and/or sell any of them new, you must
select the Motor Vehicle Dealer endorsement. (A
retail endorsement allows wholesale sales.) Sales of
vehicles other than cars, trucks and motor homes are
covered only in the various other retail endorsements.
• ALicensed Auctioneer needs only the Motor Vehicle
Dealer endorsement to sell, at auction, all of the
vehicle classes including vessels up to 25 feet in
length, and is exempt from having to obtain temporary
subagency endorsements. (See also section D.)
• AVehicle Manufacturer need only maintain one
endorsement in the state of Washington, and the
place of business may be located outside of the state.
However, there are other requirements for resident
agents or employees. Contact Dealer Services
for more information. You must attach a list of the
names and endorsement numbers of all dealers in
Washington which sell your product.
• IfapplyingasaVessel, Snowmobile, and/or Off-
Road Vehicle dealer and you sell trailers with which
those vessels or vehicles may be transported on the
highway, you must also have a Miscellaneous Vehicle
Dealer endorsement.
Section B: License plates/decals required
Indicate how many dealer license plates or vessel
decals you require for each of the dealer licenses you
marked in Section A. The plates/decals allow you
to operate an unlicensed vehicle or vessel in your
possession for demonstration or transport purposes
Per RCW 46.70.090, you are limited to three license
plates for any of the four regular Motor Vehicle Dealer
license types (listed in Column 1 of Section B of the
addendum), unless your sales volume allows issuance
of more plates. To calculate the maximum allowed, you
must: 1. Estimate your sales volume for the next 12
months for one license type alone. 2. Multiply that number
by 6% (.06). 3. Round any fractions up to the next whole
number. This is the maximum number of plates that you
may request. Repeat this calculation for each endorsement
type in Column 1 that applies to this location. (Note: No
calculations are necessary for the specialty plates or
vessel decals listed in Column 2.)
All dealer license plate inventory is assigned to the
principal dealership business location. If you are applying
for a subagency endorsement on this application, the
number of plates you request are considered to be in
addition to those already issued to, or requested for the
principal location.
Section C: New vehicle sales
Indicate whether you will be selling any new vehicles
at this location. If you sell new vehicles you must attach a
list of the names, addresses and Washington State vehicle
manufacturer and/or UBI number of the manufacturers
your dealership represents. You must also attach a
separate, current sales and service agreement from each
manufacturer you list. The sales and service agreement
may be in the suggested format 1 or 2:
1. If your dealership will perform the warranty service,
repair and replacement, a letter from the manufacturer
containing the following information will suffice:
“This will affirm that ______________________
Name of dealer
has in effect a service agreement with
Name of manufacturer or distributor
and that the above captioned dealer will perform,
upon demand of any customer receiving a new vehicle
warranty, the service, repair and replacement work
required of the above captioned manufacturer or
distributor by such vehicle warranty.
The statement must be signed and dated by a
representative of the manufacturer or distributor and a
representative of the vehicle dealer.
2. If your dealership will arrange to have the warranty
service, repair and replacement performed elsewhere,
you must attach a copy of the actual franchise or sales
agreement document which clearly spells out the
duties of each of the parties and gives full particulars
of how you will “arrange for service, repair and
replacement work.
Section D: Exemptions
If you qualify for and desire the exemptions listed in
this section mark “Yes” in the appropriate areas. You must
also comply with any requirements listed for the exemption.
Please note that your signature on the Business License
Application form provides certification that you qualify
for and will comply with the requirements shown for the
exemption you request.
BLS-700-187 (05/11/17) Page 3 of 4
Section E: Bonding
You must include a copy of a properly executed, surety
bond in the amount shown for the indicated endorsements
or combinations below. Each separate business location
must have its own bond.
The name of the principal on the bond must reflect
exactly both the business owner name (sole proprietor
name, all partners names, or the corporate name) and the
business firm name.
All bonds must be signed by the Attorney-in-Fact for
the bonding company, and by the applicant: the individual
if a sole proprietor, all partners if a general or limited
liability partnership, or by an authorized corporate officer
or member if a corporation or limited liability company.
Incorrect bonds delay endorsement approval. Forms are
Motor Vehicle Dealer bonds
Motor Vehicle Dealer, or its Subagency $30,000
Manufactured Home (or Park Trailer)
Dealer, or its Subagency $30,000
Travel Trailer Dealer, or its Subagency $30,000
Miscellaneous Vehicle Dealer, or its
Subagency $ 5,000
If you are applying for several of the vehicle dealer
endorsements listed above for this business location, only
one bond is required to cover all the business activities, but
it must be for the highest amount indicated for any of the
dealership types involved. Each business location having
any of these endorsements must have its own bond.
Vehicle Manufacturer bonds
Manufactured Homes only $40,000
Manufactured Homes and Travel Trailers
(including Fifth Wheel Trailers) $40,000
Travel Trailers (including Fifth Wheel
Trailers) only $20,000
If applying as a vehicle manufacturer, you must submit
a vehicle manufacturer bond only if you are manufacturing
manufactured homes and/or travel trailers (including fifth
wheel travel trailers). If you are only manufacturing other
types of vehicles (e.g. cars or trucks), you do not need a
vehicle manufacturer bond.
Vessel Dealer bonds
Vessel Dealer $5,000
Each endorsed vessel dealer location is required to
have its own bond unless qualified for the exemption in
Section D.
Section F: Supplemental documentation
Depending on which endorsements you have
requested, you must submit some or all of the forms or
lists shown in the chart on page 4 of these instructions.
On the Addendum form, check the boxes next to
the documentation types you need to submit and attach
the appropriate documentation when you submit your
Section G: Business location requirements
It is your responsibility to ensure that your business
site complies with all applicable building codes, zoning
and other land-use ordinances. By filing the application
and signing the Business License Application form you are
certifying that the site is in compliance with all such land
use laws.
Before your endorsements is approved your business
site may need to be certified as complying with the
requirements for the place of business. The requirements
• Businessislocatedatacommercialpropertyand
• Thereisanexteriorsignthatispermanatelyafxed
to the land or building. The sign must display the
business name and nature of the business, such as
auto sales, with the letters clearly visible to the major
avenue of traffic. A permanently affixed sign is one that
is affixed in a manner that can only be removed by the
use of tools.
• Thebusinesshasatelecommunicationssystem
in operation with phone number listed in directory
assistance and the local phone book.
• Thereisaccesstobusinessrecordsatthebusiness
• Businessesmusthavenormalbusinesshoursofat
least 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., a minimum of five days
per week.
After you have submitted a complete application you
will be contacted by a Dealer Services Investigator to
arrange any required inspections of your business site.
For more information, contact Dealer Services at
(360) 664-6466.
BLS-700-187 (05/11/17) Page 4 of 4
Section F: Additional documentation required
Name of form or list Must be submitted by Description of form or list
Certificate of Dealer
Provided by an approved
Motor Vehicle Dealers
(Please indicate on your application
whether any of the exemptions to
the right apply*)
Proof of completing at least 8 hours of approved
*Franchised dealers of new cars and/or new
RVs; miscellaneous vehicle dealers; nationally
franchised and corporate-owned rental companies;
manufactured home dealers; wholesale auto
auction companies; and national auctions of totaled
vehicles are exempt.
Corporate or LLC
Blank form provided by
Dept. of Revenue
Corporations & LLCs
(Note: Not required for any of the
Subagency Endorsements)
List all corporate officers, stockholders, directors,
LLC members/managers and anyone with 10%
or more interest in your business, whether by
securing financing, holding stock, receiving profit or
Financial Statement
Blank form provided by
Business Licensing Service
Motor Vehicle Dealer
Mfd. Home-Travel Trailer Dlr
Miscellaneous Vehicle Dealer
Describes your personal/business financial situation
and business structure. Identifies the source of
business funds. Each sole proprietor or partner of
general partnerships must complete a seperate
form. Only one form for the business entity itself is
required if applying as a LLP, LLC or corporation.
Blank form provided by
Business Licensing Service
Motor Vehicle Dealer
Mfd. Home-Travel Trailer Dlr
Miscellaneous Vehicle Dealer
Vessel Dealer
One form must be completed by the sole proprietor,
each partner of a partnership or LLP, or each
officer/member, manager and director of a
corporation or LLC.
Business Property Lease
Must be provided by
Motor Veh. Dealer or Subagency
Mfd. Home-Travel Trailer Dlr or Sub
Misc. Veh. Dealer or Sub
Provide a copy of property tax statement for proof
of ownership, or the rental/lease agreement for the
business site. Note: the agreement must be valid for
at least one year.
Description of Vehicles
Must be provided by
Vehicle Manufacturer List vehicles and brand names manufactured
for distribution to Washington dealers. Divide list
in categories of: “Cars & trucks,“Motorhomes,
“Motorcycles, “Manufactured Homes, “Travel
Trailers, and “Other” (specify “other”)
Warranty & Service
Must be provided by
Vehicle Manufacturer If you offer a warranty or service agreement, and
dealerships must perform the service, attach a
copy. If dealers are not required to perform service,
list the name, address, and phone # of agent(s)
resident in Washington authorized to perform the
List of Distributing
Must be provided by
Vehicle Manufacturer A list of names and license numbers of
all dealerships in Washington selling your
manufactured product.
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