Fillable Printable Form 901 - Missouri Department Of Revenue
Fillable Printable Form 901 - Missouri Department Of Revenue

Form 901 - Missouri Department Of Revenue

List all Owners Below: (If a corporation, list all principal ofcers. Attach separate sheet for additional owners.)
Name Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
Name Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
Name Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
Name Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
Important: If you are a corporation, partnership, or individual doing business under another name (DBA), record your legal name in Section 1 and your DBA in Section 1a.
1. Business Name 1a. DBA Name Person to Contact
Street Address (Physical Address) County Telephone Number
City State ZIP Code Registration Number on File with the Missouri Secretary of State’s Ofce
Mail to Street Address: County City State ZIP Code
Motor Vehicle Dealer Number Expiration Year Boat Dealer Number Expiration Year Salvage Business Number Expiration Year
List any Branch Locations if Applicable: (Use separate sheet of paper if necessary.)
Name Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
Name Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
Name Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
I hereby certify that the company named herein is engaged in the business of renting or leasing motor vehicles, trailers, boats and/or outboard
motors, which are to be used exclusively for rental or leasing purposes, and not for resale. I further resolve, as the authorized ofcer of said
company, that I have elected to exercise the sales tax option stated above as provided in Section 144.070, RSMo., with respect to all units held
for renting or leasing purposes. I further certify that all the information recorded herein is true and accurate.
Name of Owner or Ofcer Listed Above Title
Signature of Owner or Ofcer Listed Above Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Missouri Department of Revenue
Application for Permit to Operate as a Motor
Vehicle or Marine Craft Leasing Company
Business Information
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If the applicant registering as a leasing/rental company is a division of a corporation, the applicant must afrm and declare that:
1. Any transfer of a motor vehicle, trailer, boat or outboard motor from one division of a corporation which authorizes a division to register
as a motor vehicle leasing company, to another division shall be a “sale at retail” as dened in Section 144.010 RSMo;
2. It operates each of its divisions on a basis separate from each of its other divisions, in the same manner and to the same extent where
applicable as if they were separate from each of its other divisions, in the same manner and to the same extent where applicable as if they
were separate corporations, and will notify the Director of Revenue of any material change in the foregoing at least ten (10) days prior thereto; and
3. It agrees to follow and be bound by all rules and regulations promulgated by the Director of Revenue for the administration and
enforcement of Section 144.070.6, RSMo, relating to motor vehicle leasing companies.
r 1. Individual r 2. Partnership r 3. Corporation (State of Incorporation) ____ ____ r 4. Limited Liability Company
r 5. Other _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ownership Information
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Visit to renew or apply online.
Type of Ownership:
Type of Operation:
r A. Lease
r B. Rental
r C. Lease and Rental
Type of Units Leased or Rented:
r A. Motor Vehicles r D. Trailers
r B. Boats r E. Other
r C. Outboard Motors
Select Tax Payment Type:
r Elects NOT TO PAY the tax due at the time of registration of all of its units but will collect
and remit all applicable taxes on the amount charged for each rental or lease agreement
while the unit is domiciled in this state. Provide Sales Tax Number:
Reset Form
Print Form

I hereby certify that I am a corporate ofcer of (corporate name) _____________________________________________________________________________
and that the applicant named in Section A is a division of said corporation. I authorize the applicant named in Section A to apply to the Director of Revenue for a
permit to operate as a lease/rental company in the state of Missouri. Applicant agrees to comply with items 1 through 3 of the declaration.
Name of Ofcer of Parent Corporation Title
Signature of Ofcer of Parent Corporation Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Complete this section if the business named in the Business Information section is a division of a corporation.
Name of Parent Corporation Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
List all other divisions and their addresses. (Use separate sheet of paper if necessary.)
Name of Division Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
Name of Division Address City State ZIP Code Telephone Number
Parent Corporation
Form 901 (12-2017)
Mail to: Motor Vehicle Bureau Phone: (573) 526-3669 Opt. 7
Lease/Rental Registration Desk Fax: (573) 522-4197
PO Box 43 TTY: (800) 735-2966
Jefferson City, MO 65105-0043
for additional information.
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Complete each area on the application and submit with the appropriate fees to the address listed below.
All illegible, incorrect, or incomplete applications will be rejected.
See the Missouri Titling Manual for more information at:
You may also apply online at
Business Information
• The complete business name must be shown, if you are a corporation, partnership, or individual doing business under
another name (DBA), record your legal name in the Business Name area and your DBA name in the DBA Name area.
• The complete business address must be shown; complete mail to address if necessary.
• Indicate the registration number on le with the Missouri Secretary of State’s Ofce.
• Indicate the Missouri Dealer license numbers you currently hold, if applicable.
• Indicate the type of operation, the type of units to be leased or rented, the Missouri Retail Sales Tax Number.
Type of Ownership
• Indicate the type of ownership of the business
• List each owner, partner, and corporate or company ofcer of the business, their address and phone number.
• Read the declaration and afrm it by signing the application.
• The application must be signed by a business owner, partner, or principal ofcer.
Parent Corporation
• Complete the information in the Parent Corporation area, if applicable.
• The Parent Corporation section must include the name of the corporate ofcer, their title in the corporation, their signature
and date signed.
Required Documents to include with application
• Copy of your Missouri Retail Sales Tax License.
Important Instructions to Applicant