
Fillable Printable Form Beneficiary Designation Form

Fillable Printable Form Beneficiary Designation Form

Form Beneficiary Designation Form

Form Beneficiary Designation Form

Beneciary Designation
This form allows members, retirees, survivors,
legal-order payees and those separated from
service to name or update their benet recipients.
Send completed form to:
Department of Retirement Systems
PO Box 48380 Olympia, WA 98504-8380
360.664.7000 TTY: 711
DRS MS 100 3/17
Personal Information
Name (Last, First, Middle) Social Security Number
Mailing Address City State ZIP
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Phone Number Alternate Phone Number
Email Address
My Status (Check All That Apply)
c Member (active or inactive): I am a DRS member who contributes (active) or has contributed to (inactive) a DRS retirement system
and/or participates in DCP.
c Retiree: I am a DRS member who contributed to a retirement system and is now collecting a retirement benet.
c Survivor: I am receiving a benet from a deceased DRS member’s or retiree’s account.
c Legal-Order Payee:
I have been awarded a portion of a DRS retirement benet.
Are you receiving money from someone else’s account?
c Yes (Provide Name and Social Security Number Below) c No
Account Holder’s Name (If Different from Above) Social Security Number (If Different from Above)
Retirement System and/or Program
c Apply to All My Retirement Plans/Programs c Washington State Patrol Retirement System (WSPRS)
c Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) c Law Enforcement Ofcers’ and Fire Fighters’ Retirement System (LEOFF)
c Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) c Public Safety Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS)
c School Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) c Judicial Retirement System (JRS)
c Deferred Compensation Program (DCP) c Judges’ Retirement Fund (JRF)
Important Information
Members can make this change quickly online at
. Any current primary beneciaries you’ve
named will appear. You can then edit them or even copy them to another retirement system or program. If
you use a paper form to submit your choices, only your primary beneciaries will appear online until you add
contingent beneciaries in your online account. If you decide to ll out this paper form, please return it to DRS,
not your employer. If you make a mistake, please correct it and initial beside the correction.
Please complete the other side of this form as well.
Your Social Security number is needed so DRS can report to the IRS any funds paid to you. DRS will not disclose your
Social Security number unless required to do so by law. See IRC sections 6041(a) and 6109.
Clear Form
Signature Required
Pay any funds related to my account to my primary beneciary(ies) in the percentage(s) I chose or as required by law. If any
beneciaries precede me in death, share their percentages equally among the remaining primary beneciaries. If no primary
beneciaries survive me, send any funds to my contingent beneciaries. All the information I have entered is true and complete.
These changes replace any previous beneciary choices I have made.
Signature Date
Beneciary Designation
Primary _____ %
Name (Last, First) or Full Name of Entity Mailing Address
Relationship Social Security Number Date of Birth City State ZIP
c Primary _____ %
c Contingent _____ %
Name (Last, First) or Full Name of Entity Mailing Address
Relationship Social Security Number Date of Birth City State ZIP
c Primary _____ %
c Contingent _____ %
Name (Last, First) or Full Name of Entity Mailing Address
Relationship Social Security Number Date of Birth City State ZIP
c Primary _____ %
c Contingent _____ %
Name (Last, First) or Full Name of Entity Mailing Address
Relationship Social Security Number Date of Birth City State ZIP
You must name at least one primary beneciary. Do not name yourself. If you pick more than one primary
beneciary or more than one contingent beneciary, the total percentage(s) for each category must add up to
100%. Use whole numbers (for example, 50% and 50% or 66% and 34%).
If you have more than four beneciaries, attach a separate sheet with the same information as below; then sign
and date it. Alternatively, you can update your beneciary information online.
If you die in the line of duty, your beneciary(ies) could be entitled to a one-time, duty-related death benet.
The same people you name below on this form will automatically be added as your beneciary(ies) for this
benet. If you want to name different people or put in different percentages, you can make those changes in
your online account at
Important Denitions
Primary beneciary: A person or entity (for example, an estate, trust, charitable organization, etc.) you
choose to receive your money. After your death, we will pay all primary beneciaries either equally or in the
percentages you chose or as required by law. The total designation for your primary beneciary selection(s)
must equal 100%.
Contingent beneciary: A person or entity you choose to receive your money if both you and all your primary
beneciaries die. The total designation for your contingent beneciary selection(s) must equal 100%.
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